
英语强人帮忙翻译一下, 英语口语课要用的~


英语强人帮忙翻译一下, 英语口语课要用的~

This is in accordance with the case may be, when to buy daily necessities, I usually go to the supermarket or small shop, to buy some of the valuables will go to department stores, as more quality assurance.I will need to use these items to the store or who might come in...


I had lot of dreams when I was young,like being a pilot,a policeman and so on,all of these were my dreams.But I realized the difficulties of making a dream come true when I grow up.As being a public functionary is my dream now,I can not play games and give up learning...


翻译:〔B customer〕:I bought a leather purse a month ago, but now has gone bad, what is this quality? I want to refund.〔A shopkeeper〕: I can promise you to give you A new goods 〔B customer〕: change a new one is bad, now I just want to return 第二个对话 A...

求懂点英语的人翻译一下下面的英语对话啊~~急需 明天就要用的~~

M: My goodness! I can't believe this! It’s almost nine. He got to get up now. Don't u remember we are required to make up a three people dialogue for tomorrow's oral class? 我的天,难以相信啊,现在可都快9点了。他得马上起来。你难道忘了明天的口语课我们要准备一个三人...


to the mars, after all, there is no alien on mars.5.外星人的存在与否不能仅仅以在人烟稀少的地方为据,这是没有科学根据的 if there is any alien existed should not on the basis of they are living in where few people live, this has no scientific basis for these claims。


a lot of aces.Glad that you are fine there and wish your life to be more abundant and happier.Thanks for still remembering me,your old friend.I'm grateful for having known you and the time when we grow up together as well.参考资料:纯手工非翻译机,少错误,较通顺~!!!


5 cetimetres per second is not a fast speed, you can even say it's very slow. If you keep moving at this speed for 13 years, the distance you go through equals to a half circle of the earth, which means the distance between the South Pole and the North Pole. Of course...


Hello, everyone. Today my topic is "XXX". Music is not only a hobby for me, gave me more spirit support. Today is my favorite star, she is Angela, English name is Angela. I like Angela just because she has a unique explosive voice, but because she dared to challenge ...


事实上,指出他们如何给予周到的服务,我们的周年纪念日当天早晨的女仆必须看到了我们的卡片放在桌子上,informes礼宾部是谁送一瓶香槟到我们的房间祝贺酒店。这个sourounding区域的酒店是有点商业与车库旁边,酒店坐落于北角在香港,但一旦你里面,你忘了你是。一个真正奇妙的和令人难忘的经验。44491812 < !—...


B 对,让我们一起拭目以待吧 Yes, let us wait and see.A 嗨,兄弟。周末有什么打算?Hi, bro. What are you going to do on weekend?B 我能有什么打算啊,睡觉,玩电脑还有吃饭,你有安排么?I don’t have any plan, only sleeping, playing computer and eating, do you have any ...
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