



写作思路:英语请假条格式是很重要的,一般采取书信格式。请病假一般以Dear Mr(Miss)...开头。然后另起一行把请假的理由和时间说清楚即可,这是中间的内容。最后就是落款,需要另起一行写在右下角,写明请假人员和时间。下面,以向高老师请病假为例,提供双语写作范文。Dear Mr. Gao,I'm sorry ...


英语请假条范文带翻译简单的范文如下。一、英语请假条范文 1、Dear Miss Zhang。2、I am sorry that I cannot go to school tomorrow,because I got a bad cold the day before yesterday。3、This morning,I had high fever and I went to see the doctor。4、He told me to stay at home...

初中英语作文 请假条.并且翻译

Dear teacher, I am feeling very well this morning. I think I've caught a cold and need to see the doctor. So I'm asking for 1 day leave. Please allow my request. Thanks. Yours Xiaoming 亲爱的老师, 我今天早上感觉不太舒服。我想我感冒了,要去看医生。所以特向您请假一天,请...


trip to Beijing. Therefore, I need to leave for two days. Special request, the teacher approval.Leave people:March 15.翻译:尊敬的老师(老板) :因为,我的母亲突然发病,高烧,住院治疗,人们需要照顾.我父亲也出差去北京.因此,我需要请假两天.特请老师(老板)批准.请假人:3月15日.


Dear teacher x:尊敬的x老师:I am writing to you today for a five-day holiday because I had a cold yesterday night.我今天给您写信是要请5天的假,因为我昨天晚上不小心感冒了。This morning, my mother took me to see the doctor. The doctor told me to lie at home for a few ...


假条尊敬的XX老师: XX要在5月19日回国.因为他的父亲得了重病,所以需要提早请假回国探望.很抱歉在美得到允许前我们已经订了19号的机票,因为时间紧迫.希望你们谅解.谢谢. 本回答由网友推荐 举报| 答案纠错 | 评论 0 1 其他回答 Application for leave Dear XX X: XX returns on May 19. Because his father...


英语请假条范文带翻译如下:Dear Mr/Ms Wang:I was unable to come to 1st and 2nd period today.Due to the rain yesterday, I was wet and had temperature at night. The doctor adviced me to rest for several days and after my recovery, I will attend school as soon as possible....


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