


初三英语短语翻译,越简单越好,尽量不要用超过初中范围的单词_百度知 ...

1.dress up 2.consider...as 3.play a joke on 4.treat or trick 5.the beginning of 6.be over 7.used to be the same as 8.remind sb. of 9.decide to do 10.promise to do sth.11.善待每一个人 12.传播爱和快乐 13.创建思维导图 14.一只小绵羊 15.看起来可怕 ...

英语短语的翻译:井井有条的生活、态度粗鲁的、以……为乐、能胜任、装 ...

井井有条的生活orderly life、态度粗鲁的rude attidtude、以……为乐take pleasure in 、能胜任be qualified for、装满 be filled with 、冷却cool 、由于since, as ,、在陆地上on land、繁殖后代reproduction of the young 、太多的二氧化碳 too much carbon dioxide、向前迈步 stride forward 、摔倒...


1.use this ruler 2.go to school 3.a pair of pants 4.a pair of shoes 5.two pairs of shoes 6.sing at home 7.dance in the gmy 8.swim in the gmy 9.show sb. around sp.10.in th centre 11.come back to school 12.I will help you 13.how much time 14.at the back ...


4. Suddenly, I couldn't remember anything.5. I decided to talk with one of my friends.6. This time I decided not to believe the weather forecast anymore.7. Can you give me a report about what students are interested in?8. Would you please help me do the housework?9. I...

英语的职业名词 我需要298个 单词 +中英文翻译 +序号 还有关于it的短语...

SPINNER 纺纱工talent 星探translator 翻译家tailor 西装师傅taxi driver 出租车司机tailor: 裁缝师 taxi driver计程车司机 teacher: 教师 technician : 技术人员 tour guide: 导游 traffic warden: 交通管理员.translator: 翻译(笔译) TV producer: 电视制作人 typist: 打字员 TEMPORARY WORKER 临时工 ...


这个短语单词的翻译我知道,基本的英语四六级短语翻译我还记得,就让我来告诉大家吧~~“在冬天”用英语翻译是:In winter 下面我再继续详细解析一下这个短语的含义和具体用法~~先来说一下 In winter 的含义 In winter 读音是:英/ɪn ˈwɪntə(r)/ 美/ɪn ˈ...


use,figure,look through,make up,take risks,be willing to


I have my own car, it's quite convenient for me to pick you up at the airport.Zhan Ping was appointed to the position of manager of the export departmant of this company.He performed on stage in 1960 for the first time. And after that, he became more and more popular.Th...


人教新目标英语九年级单词表 Unit 1 flashcard 抽认卡 vocabulary 词汇 aloud 大声地 pronunciation 发音 specific 明确的 memorize 记住 grammar 语法 differently 不同地 frustrate 使厌烦 frustrating 令人失望的 quickly 快地 add 补充 pronounce 发...音;正确吐 spoken 口语的 slowly 慢地 mistake 错误...


Everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason . If the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are.一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。Everything will have an ...
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