


高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!

2.我认为每个中国乒乓球运动员都是最棒的.I think the Chinese table tennis players are the best in the world.3.我会一点做饭.I can manage some basic cooking.4.我没有工作经验.I have no working experience.5.我要支付3500欧元.I'll need to pay 3500 euroes.6.学习雅思.I am ...


hangings是名词,意为悬挂物。所以后面用介词for。如果是it is hanging __ a car,则填in。此时hang是动词。顺便说一句,hang不一定要用被动语态。

英语翻译分析高手进达到6级以上水平的进,谢谢(本人英语已过6级)_百 ...

1. The only time是句子的主语。2. I have been a victim是定语从句。3. was not 是谓语。4. in china是做表语。译: 我唯一受骗的一次不是在中国。望采纳。。。


always brought luck and helped Harry in crucial times.Ron had a pretty unpleasant but interesting birthday after Christmas. Voldemort appeared then and killed Hagrid's spider pet 阿拉格格 (忘记英文名字了,抱歉)which was unexpected. A huge funeral was held later on for this small part...


遇到了一些急需翻译的英文HEALTHINSURANCEHealthinsuranceisatypeofinsurancecoveringthemedicalexpensesoftheinsuredincurredduetosicknessofrecognizedcauses,oraccidents....2007-07-22 各位英语高手请进!!! 3 2008-09-21 英语高手请进 4 2009-07-25 英语高手请进。。。 12 2009-06-07 英文高手请进! 2 2006-...


也有其他说法 --- Zisha Teapots, Yixing Teapots, Yixing Zisha Teapots.不能用 ceramic --- 这是“瓷”的意思。Ceramic Teapots 是清代时专门为欧洲作的瓷器的一种。也不能用 kettle --- 这是专门烧开水用的容器。enameled pottery 会被理解为 “以珐琅装饰的陶器”所以也不能用。英文翻译如下:...


She better than me, because she is a university graduate Such things are different between people How much is a haircut Jim and Fred by lunch time on the notes Most customers are willing to enter a password when saving . No matter who fill out the application can obtain loans ...


应该是英语翻译方面的吧~~但我不能确定 我知道的翻译方法主要的就8种 1.重译法 repetition 2.增译法 amplification 3.减译法 omission 4.词类转移法 conversion 5.词序调整法 inversion 6.分译法 division(这个应该和拆分法一个意思吧)7.正说反译,反说正译法 negation 8.语态变换法 the change ...

急需 英语高手 翻译一份英文说明书

6.HI or LOW volune adjustment.音量高HI(高)低(LOW低)调节 Also useful while Operating heavy machinery or when studying.方便在操作重型机械或学习时使用。7.includes plastic carrying case with keychain and spare battery.含带有钥匙琏和备用电池的便携式塑料盒 8.Billion team limited 75 ...

翻译几个英文句子 英语高手来!!

1.As we walked toward the front door ,he stopped at a small tree and touched the branches with both hands.在我们往前门走时,他在一棵小树前停了下来,并用双手摸了摸树枝。2.I know I can't help having troubles on the job ,but those troubles don't belong to the house with...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
