
英语翻译 在线等


几道英语翻译 请会翻译的人帮忙一下 最好是初二水平的 谢谢 在线等...

few red-crowned crane.6.Teacher Li is one of the most popular teachers.7.More and more birds because they do not have enough space on the verge of extinction.我纠正一下,你最后一句的中文应该是:越来越多的鸟因没有足够的空间而濒临灭绝。你应该打错了,我是按照正确的翻译的。


1 How much 2what can i do for you 3 give 4 not need to thanks 5 The price is right 6 You personally 7 sale 8 Date of Birth 9 birthday party 10 English Speech Competition 11 Arts Festival 12 Music Festival 13 English gathering 14 in school 15 to watch films 16 action ...


7. The anxiety of growing up is attributed to the lack of adult role models and a break in communications between generations.成长的焦虑被归因于缺乏成年人的引导和不同代人之间的沟通。8. Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.勇敢过度,即成蛮勇;...


2.He acted more slowly since he hurt in the accident.3.There are many Scenic sites in the city.4.The group is growing good this year,for there is plenty of rain.5. The history museum is near the railway station.6.It is the house in which ma grandpa has lived.7.It is...




几千年来,人们仰望月亮,写下关于它的诗篇,但是没有人期望去那里,直到1961年才完成第一次载人航天飞行,航天员叫尤里 加加林(Yuri Gagarin)。Then the Americans decided to send a man to the moon.然后,美国人决定向月球派一个人。Apollo 11 took off on 16 July,1969.在1969年,7月16日...


faculty [ 'fækəlti ] n. 科,系;能力;全体教员 [复数faculties ]1一旦他们有时间,全体教师/教员将参与更广泛的研究的假设,是没有根据的。install the program 安装程序; 任命项目。2大学的声誉可能是由许多因素决定的,因此,单独地任命这个项目,也许不足以提高世外桃源的美誉。

英语定语从句 翻译 急 在线等

3.The factory was in the west of the city in which my father works.4.We have several reasons for which we can't do that thing.5.This is the reason which he gave me.6.This is the house in which we lived last year.7.Here is the pen you which lost yesterday.8.He is...

英文翻译SOS急啊 在线等```

A meaningful equivalent is "tender compassion" and it is precisely in this manner that many translations attempt to reproduce the significance of this source-language expression.(尤其是tender compassion不会翻译,不可能是温柔的慈悲吧```)一个很有意思的等效词是“柔情”,许多译者也正是这样...


1、执行院长Executive director 2、副院长vice President 3、办公室主任director of the office 4、计财处处长Plan wealth everywhere long 5、人事处处长the personnel director 6、学生处处长Director of Students' Affairs Division 7、教务处处长academic administration 8、资产设备管理处处长assets ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
