



1 The council is trying to get more people to do voluntary work and render social services in the less developed regions.委员会正努力使更多的人做志愿工作并为较不发达地区提供社会服务。2 It seems as if every American boy between the ages of 8 and 15 likes to play video games ...


1.Mr Mandelson is in a difficult position;maintaining the controls could be a disaster for the retailers.Mandelson 先生正处于一个很尴尬的境地:保持管制对零售商而言无疑灭顶之灾。2.In his early forties ,Peter Van Der Groot was a successful stockbroker at the London Stock Exchange,...

...如有任何进展我会及时通知你” 请帮忙翻译成英文???

“你的邮件我已经看到”的英文:I acknowledge your mail;“如有任何进展我会及时通知你” 的英文:you will be informed when it makes any headway 其他短语表达:1、inform of 通知;报告 2、inform about 告发;通知;告诉 3、inform against 检举;告发 inform 读法 英 [ɪn'fɔ...


1. Alright, alright, I know he's the best one, ok.1.好吧好吧,我知道他是最厉害的啦~2. But I still expect that he can go back.2.但我还是希望,他能回去。3. I've always wished that he could go back, or maybe come to Rockets.3.我一直都希望他能回去,或者是来火箭...


翻译:“我来征求你们的意见——不对,请求你们帮助。”——“这还差不多。我们怎么帮助你?”例句中使用了ask for+n的形式,表示请求帮助。(2)、If you are in trouble, you can ask for help.翻译:如果你有困难,你可以请求帮忙。例句中使用了ask for+n的形式,表示请求帮忙。3、request ...

请翻译~ 大急~ 英语邮件内容~ 多谢~

1.先生,很高兴认识你。请你帮助检查一下附件和我们的目标价格,请帮忙核实,谢谢!2. 先生,请注意所附的两页文件,已经更新,如果你能够支持的话请你检查一下。附上我们的报价,供参考。多谢!3. 先生,抱歉(未有)更新。特殊部件的报价已经更新,请参考更新过的报价。多谢!


以下结果来自百度翻译 1. This is a picture of my father and mother and I, thank my parents for giving me life, for they gave me a lot of love, I love them.2. On the photo is my good friend! Thank them for their play with me, when I am in trouble to help me, and...

请帮我翻译几句话, 1)影院内不可以带入食物和饮料 2)请将您的食物放进...

(⊙o⊙)…,够多的,看在分数和挑战自己的份儿上,帮你一把~!【人工翻译】4、Enjoy the moive 5、(中文我不太理解,根据自己理解翻译)Please remember your catering number, don't miss it when leave 6、Row 6 is the recommanded here 7、Please sit in the middle seat, don't ...


1、你所需要的物品暂时无法领取,请稍等片刻,待能领取时我们再以邮件通知你。:All you need is temporarily unable to receive the goods, please wait a moment, we will be to receive by e-mail to inform you.2、由这条船(ABCD)卸下的40个集装箱被海关扣押了10天仍没有放行,请安排...


1,However, three days later a letter arrived, asking me to go for an interview.然而,三天后我收到一邀请我去面试封信 2,The walls were dirty with ink marks.四壁都沾满了墨水的污迹 3,She's the one who really runs this school.她才是真正经营这所学校的人 4,What would my ...
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