



1.What falls often but never gets hurt?2.How did the pick-pocket spot the plain-clothes cop in his woman's disguise?3.Which month has 28 days?4.What is it that everyone wants to have and get rid of too?5.Where did the egg floating down the Mississippi River come from?...


1、What is wind? 【谜底:Air in a hurry】 2、What's a skeleton? 【谜底:It's a lot of bones without the person on them!】 3、Which letter is a drink? 【谜底:T(tea)】 4、What table is in the field? 【谜底:vegetable】 5、Which letter is an animal? 【谜底:B(bee)】 6、What ...


脑筋急转弯不仅可以丰富我们的文化生活,而且可以增添生活情趣。下面就是我给大家带来的英语脑筋急转弯45个题目以及答案,希望大家喜欢!1. What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?答案:黑板(blackboard)2. What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, on...


一种鼠有一个大袋子,它是什么? Key: a kangaroo(袋鼠) 6、It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel? 它有头,但没有脖子,有身体,但不温暖,没有脚,却能旅行。 Key: a car(汽车) 趣味英语脑筋急转弯 1. What will you break once you say it? (什...


1. What room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors? A mushroom.(蘑菇) 2. What is smaller than an insect's mouth? Anything it eats. 3. What large instrument do you carry in your ears? Drums, that is eardrums.(鼓膜) 4. What's too much for one, just right for tw...


1.What animal can jump as high as a tree?every animal can ,because tree is can't jump 想要多的,难的话,去图书馆借本书去,有很多特别难的。我以前搞活动就借过,可惜太难了,没一个打出来的!1.Why are girls afraid of the letter C ?2.Why is the letter E so important?3....


34.有一个人,他是你父母生的,但他却不是你的兄弟姐妹,他是谁?(答案:你自己) 35.什么东西天气越热,它爬的越高?(答案:漫度计) 36.什么东西在倒立之后会增加一半? (答案:数目字6) 37.为什么人们要到市场上去? (答案:因为市场不能来) 38.为什么青蛙可以跳得比树高? (答案:树不会跳) 39.纸上写着某...


39.What must you do before you return a book to the library?keys 1.Because it makes fat fact!2.Because it's the begining of everything!3.Because there is love between them!4. It's the letter B!5. It's the letter Y!6. Because it's in the midst of fun!7. With ...


100、想把梦变成现实,第一步应该干什么?——答案:起床。 101、大熊猫一生中的最大遗憾是什么?——答案:没有彩色照片 102、下雨了,大家都急着回家,可有一个人却不紧不慢地走着(他没撑雨伞)有人问他为什么不赶紧回家,他说了一句话,使那人晕了过去,请问他说了什么话?——答案:“急什么,前面还不是有雨!

脑筋急转弯:1.What can you catch but can't throw? 2.What has teeth...

catch 英 [kætʃ] 美 [kætʃ]v. 赶上;抓住;捕捉;领会 n. 捕捉;捕获物;陷阱 例句:We're just in time to catch the train.翻译:我们正好赶上了火车。短语:catch a person 捉住某人 近义词 capture 英 ['kæptʃə(r)] 美 ['kæ...
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