1. roots 根 原句 :这个部位是在地下。 所以答案是根。2. leaves 叶子 原句:这个部位是绿色的,圆的,并且向上生长。 所以答案是叶子。
“香菜”的英文单词是“coriander”。读音:"coriander"的英式读音为 [ˈkɒriændə(r)],美式读音为 [ˈkɔːriˌændər]。释义:名词。香菜;芫荽。用法:"coriander"是一种香草植物,其叶子和种子都可以被用于烹饪或调味。词形变化:复数...
1、萝卜是根,耕地要深。The radish is the root, the cultivated land should be deep.2、绿树成荫,空气清新。The trees are shady and the air is fresh.3、种树诀窍,深埋实捣。The trick of planting trees is to bury them in depth.4、栽树忙一天,利益得百年。A busy day of plantin...
桂花口语化的可以说:may flower,其它的说法还有:Sweet Osmanthus Flower和fragrans。例句:1、This research is a part of the subject on International Registration Authority of Osmanthus fragrans Cultivars, O.本研究是“申报桂花品种国际登录权”课题的后续部分。2、Osmanthus fragrans and opened in...
1.谁又关于植物的小诗,英语的哦 这三首都是关于植物的. 这里还有更多关于种子和种植的. The Little Plant In the heart of a seed, Buried deep so deep, A tiny plant Lay fast asleep. "Wake," said the sunshine, "And creep to the light." "Wake," said the voice Of the raindrops bright....
1. 用英语来介绍香蕉(加中文翻译) If you want to make a banana milk shake,let me tell you .First ,peel three bananas .Then, cut up the bananas and put the bananas ice cream into the blender.Next,pour the milk into the blender.Then ,turn on the blender.After a few minutes,you can...
1、胡萝卜:Carrot 胡萝卜中的胡萝卜素,人食后于体内可生成维生素A,具有稳定上皮细胞,阻止细胞过度增殖引起癌变的作用。因胡萝卜素为脂溶性物质生吃不易被吸收,宜用油烹调后食用。2、海藻:seaweed 其抗癌机制是:海藻类菜(包括海带、紫菜、裙带菜等)所含纤维素高,不易被消化,可促进肠蠕动,...
2.查阅,参考;查询,打听[(+to)]Please refer to the last page of the book for answers.寻找答案,请查阅书的最后一页。3.涉及,有关[(+to)]The rule refers only to special cases.这条规则只涉及一些特殊的情况。故选B 意为:他经常告诉我们一些关于火山方面的知识 下一题选A 意为没门...