(elephant大象)1.They are the biggest animals on land.Ther have big ears and long teeth.They use their trunks to eat and drink.(crocodile鳄鱼)2.They can swim.They live near rivers.Ther have sharp teeth.People make shoes and bags with their skin.(giraffe长颈鹿)3.Ther are ...
1.instruction drawing;clamp set -〉指示(说明)图纸;卡扣安装(插入)备注:卡扣是指电线上的塑料固定夹,用于将导线和车体组付在一起。2.inner panel; canopy body ,center 内部仪表盘;天蓬主体,中心 3.cover;washer tank 外壳,清洗(水)箱 4.inner panel;canopy body,side rh/lh 内部...
1, an average heart, have a safe trip line 2、带上平安出门,满载幸福回家 2, bring peace go out, carrying happy home 3、生产再忙,安全不忘,人命关天,安全为先 3, production again favour, safety did not forget, human life, safety is first 4、措施到了位,登高无所谓 4, me...
crocodile鳄鱼 comic滑稽的,滑稽演员 giraffe长颈鹿 glasses眼睛,玻璃杯 hippo河马 jacket外衣,夹克 jeans牛仔裤 kitchen厨房 lamp电吉他 lizard蜥蜴 sleep睡觉 skirt裙子,环绕的 shirt衬衣 shark鲨鱼 scarf围巾 radio收音机 mirror镜子 mice老鼠(复数)mat垫子 snake蛇 sofa沙发 spider蜘蛛 sweater毛衣 table...
10、乘势▪发力 Flow with the situation, unleash the forces 11、城市之南▪生态绽放 South of the city, eco-blossoming.12、城市之上▪临空飞翔 Up above the city, high-flying.并不明白这一段文字的背景和真正想表达的内涵,因此只能试译一下供参考。希望能有所帮助。
is the traditional media to online media to further integration . July 1, 2004, Chinese women reportedly launched China's first "mobile phone" - "Chinese women reported - MMS version," realizing mobile phone users interaction with the newspaper.While the rapid development of media int...
1. Just get yourself high x 5 只是让自己兴奋五次 2. Here we go 我们开始了 3. Don't rely on this, to get you high 不要依赖这个来让你感到兴奋 4. Don't rely on us, to get you high 不要依赖我们来让你感到兴奋 5. Wait, hold up, electrify, death defy, elect the ...
阿拉斯加官方旅游网站:http://www.travelalaska.com/ 意大利官方旅游网站:http://www.italia.it/en/home.html 当然,仅一家之言而已。不当之处,还请谅解。参考资料:http://buildinternet.com/2009/01/22-well-done-state-tourism-websites/ ...
a popular and well-known manner B、with a detatched manner 分离的方式 【 C】、in a meaningful and important way D、in a small and unimportant way 好了,花了一点时间 一个个给你做出来了 并且做出了相应的词意解释;应该都没错 希望对你有帮助 可能的话再加点分啊 ...