M开头:macaroni通心粉 mace豆蔻香料 malt麦芽调制的,麦芽糖 marmalade橘子酱 marrow食用葫芦 meal谷类 meat食用肉类 mellow美味多汁 melon瓜 milk牛奶 minerals矿泉水 mouth-watering垂涎欲滴的 mulberry桑葚 mushroom蘑菇 mussel淡菜 mustard芥末 musty发霉的 N开头:needle mushroom 金针菇 nectarine油桃;noodles...
Melancholy - 忧郁 Mauldin - 伤感 Mawkish - 多愁善感 Mushy - <口> 感伤多情 Moody - 低落
mistress情妇但是不能用作彼此的称呼,而且m开头的符合要求的单词基本上也没有吧实在要用m的话就说my darling,my lover, my honey不就OK了?
富强:prosperous and strong; thriving and powerful; rich and mighty 民主:democracy; democratic; democratic rights 文明:civilization; civilized; culture 平等:equal; equality; egality; evenness 公正:fair; just; impartial; equity; a surname 法制:legality; legal institutions; legal system ...
to hit a person at 80–100 yards (75–90 m). The musket was replaced in the mid-19th century by the breech-loading rifle.参考资料:http://www.answers.com/topic/musket
M - O - T - H - E - R "M" is for the million things she gave me,"O" means only that she's growing old,"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,"H" is for her heart of purest gold;"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,"R" means right, and ...
妇女游泳衣 mono-kini 属类:【行业术语 】-〖进出口〗-[-]