


请各位好心的英语高手,帮我翻译一下可以吗?我真的很急用,谢谢大家,非 ...

3.He wanted to wake up in Dijon 4...wake up 5.It was in Paris(already).全手打 如有问题 欢迎追问


that can change the results of a problem. Before the construction of a bridge is undertaken, for example,a statistical study is made of the amount of traffic the bridge will be expected to handle. In the design of the bridge, variables sueh as water pressure on the foundations,...


E-commerce will gradually replace the traditional business model into the 21st century the core of economic activities. Enterprise Information is the implementation of e-commerce-chu is not just the substance of e-commerce through the Internet to buy things, but to use Internet technolog...


1、每个人都应该认真履行自己的职责 everybody should perform his duty.2、如果能开车去的话,我们能省下很多的时间。we can save a lot of time if we could drive there 3、专家们特别强调了保护环境的重要性。the experts especially emphasized the importance of protecting the environment.4、...


My best friend is WangYiWen, her language, English is better than me. We often help each other. She grow taller than I. I admire her, because she has a beautiful hair, very long. We was like peas and carrots, often together.I very love my teachers and friends.参考资料:...

请各位好心的高手帮我翻译下面这段话,谢绝机器翻译,急着用,谢谢!_百 ...

4. Passengers in front of the bus stop for the terminal "wushan bus station", please bring your belongings and prepare to get off.5. Passengers arriving at "wushan bus station", please take your belongings out of the car, to welcome you to take this class of 51 road around ...


1.如果想学好一门外语应该怎么做 2.句子“难以回答这个问题”是什么意思 3.这个“他们自己的语言”是什么意思 4.“study by themselves”用汉语怎么说 回答:1.work hard 2.People learn English for many different reasons 3. It means Chinese 4.自学 这么长你也叫它短文。拜托,别开玩笑了,手...

中文翻译成英文,感觉英语错误太多了 请各位高手帮助一下。请不要用翻...

My work I am working in a small accountant firm as a junior accountant.Now, I have gained an economic studies undergraduate degree. I shall carry on and go to pursue a master degree in accounting studies, and to take the CPA exam later. Then, with my accumulated experience, I...


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