


...A.English-speaking还是D.English-spoken 为什么呢

Canada is mainly an___country. A.English-speaking还是D.English-spoken 选A 【English-speaking country】固定用法 解释为说英语的国家 【spoken English】口语 有不会的可以再问我

...the language when we hear ( ) spoken.这个为语法填空的一个空...

表被动。表示语言是被说 “when we hear it spoken” 作状语"当我们听到它被说时,而不是说“when we hear it speaking", 这个表示主动,语言自己是不会说话的,指能被说。全句译为:“首先,在听到一门语言时,我们必须理解这门语言(即,要知道它的意思)。”希望对你有所帮助!

...A. is not spoken B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is not speaki...

答案: A 翻译: 不是每个国家都讲日语 此题考一般现在时的被动语态: 主语+ am/ is/ are ( not ) + 过去分词 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!


speak是及物动词,可以说speak something to somebody.我想你是及物动词和不及物动词的概念没有搞清楚.判断及物还是不及物,要看这个动词后面能不能跟着他所支配的名词,如果能,就是及物,如果不能,就是不及物.比如说look这个词,要是说看书要用look at a book,他不能直接跟后面的book这个名词,所以...


In order to know a foreign language thoroughly(完全地), four things are necessary. First, we must understand the language when we hear it spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves, correctly with confidence(自信) and without hesitation(犹豫). Thirdly, we...

...O(∩_∩)O谢谢The words actully spoken by them are within inverted...

C、thought是think的过去式和过去分词,“想,思考;认为”的意思,words当然是说出来的的,所以这个选项排除;D、这个句子是The words are within inverted commas.(话在引号里面) “actully ___ by them”做状语修饰“The words”,被他们说出来的话 不能用现在分词表被动;A、speak用作不...


speak 不及物动词 vi.1.说话,讲话 He wanted to speak to me.他想和我说话。2.谈话,谈论 I have not spoken to him on this subject yet.我还没有和他谈这件事。3.发表演说,陈述意见 It was the first time that I spoke in public.这是我第一次在公共场合发言。4.发出信号 5.显示,...

...我填的是left 但是答案是was left 这个地方应该填一个非谓语_百度知...

after seeing most of products getting damaged during deliveries,the company was left (leave)with two options.这里的 was left 的主语是the company, 意思是留给公司的选择,选择被留给公司,是谓语部分。


In English classroom teaching, is widely used in, everybody does not feel strange. What is the game teaching? The game teaching is teaching the language phenomena as dull for students to accept, lively and interesting game form, to create rich language communication, so that students...
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