



Dear Teacher,I am xxx. I like your teaching very much, since your pronunciation is so accurate and reading is so natural and smooth. I am a politics teacher of a township junior school. Due to the busy work I don't have plenty of time to study English. You may find...


求采纳,谢谢~E that su hok hjeu帮帮忙翻译成中文谢谢 刷人呢!你的一句英语,里面的单词有几个是不是胡编的??根本无法翻译!谁能帮忙把这翻译成中文Maybelshouldgiveupyou 也许我应该放弃你。 Maybe l should give up you 祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!


请问我的帐号被封是什么原因,我怎样做才可以取消封号?我在游戏中有什么不正当的行为请指出,我以后会注意的。我的帐号:mko369 please tell me the reason why my account has been closed.What can i do to get it back? If there is anything wrong i have done in the games, could you ...


Kiwi bird all have one day hovering, three people's time, all of us will bear firmly in mind. My dear, per share of emotion, are all strength. All of us should be very happy, very happy, even if there is no paradise. A last one from abandon, our preciousness. Three ...


正如下雨之前必须将敲打它的壳和苗芽,所以我必须有目标,在我的生命将结出硕果。在制定目标的时候会考虑我过去最好的表现,将它提高一百倍。这将是我未来生活标准。我绝不关注我的目标是不是太高,不如让我的枪瞄准月亮,击中一只鹰还是只击中一块石头好??不是机器翻译哦 ...


In my opinion, reading reference books is very important. This can not only increase my knowledge, my sentiment can also be cultivated. However, most of the students prefer to play internet but not reading some books when they are free. Playing computer not only will affect our ...


如:小心轻放、切勿倒置、防潮等 Among of these, specially the precautions during the transportation should be printed on the package, such as handle with care, keep upright, protect against the tide, etc.参考资料:自己翻译的,仅供参考 ...


When we were in primary school, university was free.When we were in university, primary school was free.Before we worked, jobs are assigned and primary school graduate could become officials.When we can work now, finding a job to keep body and soul together is just like banging ...


语体的分类多种多样,根据不同的标准可以分出不同的类别。一般情况下,根据交际方式和功能,人们把语体先分为口头语体和书面语体两大类。再作下位的分类,口头语体又可分为谈话语体和演讲语体;书面语体又可分为公文语体、政论语体、科技语体和文艺语体。There are many different classifications of a ...


I am getting wronger, all of you are persons.In fact only I be not.Because I never trample love.Understand?For the sake of love I can leave a house and give up everything.For have access to you so a little, and result?All of everythings are money!You can give up with...
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