
请教英语问题,这句话People lay sprawled out in the sun.为什么正确...



He found her sprawled on the sofa 他发现她 四脚朝天 地躺在沙发上。The people sprawled on the beach in their bathing suits 这些人著游泳衣 四脚朝天 地躺在海滩上。The dog rolled over onto its back 狗滚了个 四脚朝天 。The dreamer , the joyous oar *** an , lay on his...


Large swimming pool, we swam for a while, swam for a while, like a shuttle small carp; Freestyle swim breaststroke, another moment, like a dragon over the sea, very comfortable. Really very tired, just get up lay sprawled in the pool, comfortably take a rest for a while....


6、This old woman dolls herself up like a young lady.这个老妇人总是漂漂亮亮地把自己打扮得像个少妇。7、He lay sprawled in the chair like an aged doll.他四肢平伸地瘫在一张椅子上,活象一只年老的洋娃娃。8、Jack and hughie scrambled to their feet and ran,the doll forgotten.杰...


为了回答你这个问题,我特地查看了Collin Cobuild Advanced Learner's Dictionary提供的word banks中的例句.这些例句全部来自于报刊杂子,分门别类按美国英语(书面语与口语都有标注)和英国英语(同上)都有注明,其中含有sofa这个单词的例句共有134个,前面用了on的远远远远多于in.但是我认为用in也不能说不行.世界上学英...


The three men all sprawled round in their chairs to watch. Beyond the dark holly-bushes that separated the strip of lawn from the highroad, they could see a cavalcade of shire horses swinging out of their own yard, being taken for exercise. This was the last time. These were the last...

谁知道 哈利波特的英文版片断是哪部哪章的 中文是什么意思

哈利试 图再次系统的思考这个问题,他看看罗恩的样子,也许 他们再也不能在霍格沃茨成为同学了,哈利平静的下 楼,穿过克瑞彻祖先的头像装饰,然后向下进了厨房。...“就要——就要烤面包,谢谢,”哈利说道。卢平扫了一眼哈利,然后就对唐克丝说道,“你刚 才说斯奎慕怎么了?”...
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