



Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany.(路德维希·凡·贝多芬,出生于德国波恩。)Vienna classical school, one of the representative figures, the period of European classicism composer.(维也纳古典乐派代表人...

贝多芬的英文简介 60词左右,越简短越好 谢谢~

贝多芬的英文简介:Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, the Holy Roman Empire - the electorate of Cologne. He is one of the representatives of Vienna classical music school and a composer in the European cl...


1770年12月16日,路德维希·凡·贝多芬出生于德国波恩。 1775年左右,4岁的贝多芬被父亲逼着学习钢琴、小提琴,其父愚蠢地想用强制性手段将他培养成莫扎特式的神童 In 1778, 8-year-old Beethoven studied the basic theory...

急需一篇贝多芬的简介(英文版) (24句)?

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), the second-oldest child of the court musician and tenor singer Johann van Beethoven, was born in Bonn. Ludwig's father drilled him thoroughly with the ambition of showcasing...




贝多芬自幼便已显露出他的音乐天才,四岁就开始学习音乐,八岁时他已开始在音乐会上表演并尝试作曲,但是,他在这段时期中所受的音乐教育一直是非常零乱和没有系统的。 十二岁,他已经能够自如地演奏,而且担任了管风琴师聂费的助手。就...


2008-01-23 谁有贝多芬的英文生平介绍 20 2012-03-26 贝多芬的生平 英文版的哦。谢啦 2 2007-01-07 英语小短文:贝多芬的生平介绍 56 2005-11-28 贝多芬的英文介绍 2 2007-04-07 贝多芬的英语资料 20 2006-03-30 谁...


贝多芬生平简介 贝多芬LUDWIG VON BEETHOVERR (1770-1827)是十八世纪后年叶以来世界最著名的德国音乐家。1770年生于德国 莱茵河畔的波恩城。他的祖父原是荷兰籍,移居德国后,曾任当地宫廷乐长。父亲是个男高 音歌手,母亲...


-- 贝多芬的一生 Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, on December 16, 1770. His father and grandfather were both musicians.Beethoven revealed his own musical talents when he was very young. At ...

急需一篇贝多芬的简介(英文版) (24句)

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), the second-oldest child of the court musician and tenor singer Johann van Beethoven, was born in Bonn. Ludwig's father drilled him thoroughly with the ambition of showcasing...
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