谁知道Bonnie Winds的歌词?
就和平时一样的平静 And she loosed to please me 她轻松的安慰着我 in the Bonnie Winds of fierce 就在那狂暴的风中 Oh the Bonnie Winds of fierce 天呐,那可是狂暴的班妮飓风啊 The Bonnie Winds of fierce 狂躁暴虐的班妮飓风 Oh the Bonnie Winds of fierce 那可是狂暴的班妮飓风啊 The...
01 Feel - Michelle Tumes 02 Bonnie Winds - Bohinta 03 China Roses - Enya 04 Beyond The Invisible - Enigma 05 Scarborough Fair - Sarah Brightman 06 Vebi Domine - Bara Basikova 07 Ns2000 - Dif Ang郭英男 08 Tri Martolod - Alan Stivell 09 Father,Hear The Prayer We Offer - Rer...
携回 Bring back my Bonnie to me 带回我的邦妮于我 The winds have blown over the ocean 那 风 已 吹 越 巨洋 The winds have blown over the sea 那 风 已 跨 过 大海 The winds have blown over the ocean 那 风 已 吹 越 巨洋 And brought back my Bonnie to me 如此巳带回我...
1.Feel 感受 2. Bonnie Winds 台风班妮 3. China Roses 月季 4. Beyond The Invisible 虚无尽处 5. Scarborough Fair 斯加布兰堡市集 6. Vebi Domine 唯我独尊 7. Ns2000 - Dif Ang 郭英男 8. Tri Martolod 三步曲 9. Father,Hear The Prayer We Offer伊甸桥 10. Ferry Me Across The Wa...
02 Bonnie Winds - Bohinta 03 China Roses - Enya 04 Beyond The Invisible - Enigma 05 Scarborough Fair - Sarah Brightman 06 Vebi Domine - Bara Basikova 07 Ns2000 - Dif Ang郭英男 08 Tri Martolod - Alan Stivell 09 Father,Hear The Prayer We Offer - Rerflections On Hymns 10 ...
01 Feel - Michelle Tumes 02 Bonnie Winds - Bohinta 03 China Roses - Enya 04 Beyond The Invisible - Enigma 05 Scarborough Fair - Sarah Brightman 06 Vebi Domine - Bara Basikova 07 Ns2000 - Dif Ang郭英男 08 Tri Martolod - Alan Stivell 09 Father,Hear The Prayer We Offer - ...
1、Feel 感受(Michelle Tumes)。2、Bonnie Winds 台风班妮 (Bohinta)【无资源】。3、China Roses 月季(Enya)。4、Beyond The Invisible 虚无尽处(Enigma)。5、Scarborough Fair 斯加布兰堡市集(Sarah Brightman)。专辑名称:天籁 6、专辑介绍:作为《天堂》特刊,《世界上最动听的歌》系列的内容...
一、天籁之声 1.Feel 感受 2. Bonnie Winds 台风班妮 3. China Roses 月季 4. Beyond The Invisible 虚无尽处 5. Scarborough Fair 斯加布兰堡市集 6. Vebi Domine 唯我独尊 7. Ns2000 - Dif Ang 郭英男 8. Tri Martolod 三步曲 9. Father,Hear The Prayer We Offer伊甸桥 10. Ferry Me...
试听:《此乃神的殿堂》(Libera),《Ta Muid》(Dreams),《Pie jesu from requiem》(Charlotte Church)(2)欧美流行风:Enya,Bohinta,Simon and Garfunkel等。试听:《Only Time》(Enya),《Bonnie Winds》(Bohinta),《Scarborough Fair》(Simon and Garfunkel)(3)自然风:Deep Forest(...
1、英文合唱歌曲don't know much,很经典的歌曲;2、理查.马克斯的right here waiting for you;3、Phil Collins演唱的的Another Day In Paradise;4、Bohinta的合唱歌曲Bonnie Winds;5、卡朋特的close to you,这首歌和她的yesterday once more一样也很好听;6、Il Divo的合唱曲I Believe In You,...