



How I wish I could open my eyes 看一看您们憔悴的脸 Just to take a look at your weary faces 我多想举起双手 How I wish I could raise up my hands 帮您们擦拭泪花 Just to wipe the tears off your faces 可是,这已成为奢望 But all is in vain 亲爱的爸爸妈妈,不要哭 Dear mo...


The classmates, did you see a tree?Not, what you saw is the street both sides or the tree in the park, monotonous,dull and black do not slip away an autumn.Do you see a water?Not, what you saw is the water of the artificial lakes, the 浑 is muddy,the hair is smelly...


Beijing ornamental fish culture plays an important role in the country in 2009, ornamental fish breeding area of the city of 1.5 million mu, accounting for 19.6% of area ponds, ornamental fish farming accounts for 23% of the area. Tongzhou, Chaoyang District, ornamental fish, the...


My name is XXX, female, 25, born in the year 1981. I am now working in an insurance cooperation. I have a very pleasant childhood. After graduation, I tried to crave out myself, afterward I worked in a netbar . / internetbar. In order to improve and challenge myself I ...

英语翻译 , 只要帮我把短文翻译出来就行了, 非常感谢``

这就是你能够听到你的嗓音,而别人不能听到你的嗓音的原因。(1).You can always hear you voice the same way others hear it.你听到你的声音的方式与别人听到你的声音有相似之处 (2).Sound travels in the form of waves .声音是以声波的形式传播的 (3).When you talk , sound waves are ...


The first time, I came home from night duty, it was already very late, I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom when I heard a noise from the door. It sounded like someone was prying at my lock. I shouted: “Who's that? What are you doing?" Who would have thought the...


My name is Cathy,I'm 15.My character is outgoing and stable, warm and generous, sincere friendship and treat people . I have good interpersonal relationship and organizing ability, in the school i'm studying hard and responsible for my work; I'm knowing how to respect people ...


as the wedding march rhythm, the bride pull her father's hands go before the groom by her father she personally delivered the hands of the groom. pastor will ask the bride and groom on the other side to make a lifetime commitment, this is the climax of the whole wedding. t...

翻译 英翻中 求大神把下面这篇文章翻译成英文!! 万分感谢!!!

原文如下:When many people visit cities in China, they are still surprised to see the luxury brands which normally fill the fashion boutiques of New York and Paris. But in a country where more young people have become big-spending consumers, the world’s top brands attract twenty-...
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