



The second prize winner is ...'s performance, and the third prize winner is ...'s formance. Congradulation to these teams!6) The following is the nomination for "the best performers".7)The first "Year Four Third Class English Stage Play" has come to an end. Let us all ...


1 whirlwind love,2 love wand , the bubble of love 3, 4 sweet pastries, sweet butter,5, 6 attacks cream, honey mark 7, 8 dance of sweet, pleasant bomb 9, happy smile, 10, 11 happy light, happy attack 12, 13 pleasant clean, romantic night 14, 15 candlelight dinners, ...


Teachers and my fellow students, it is my great honor for me to be here and share with you about myself.I'm Liu Jisong, from Chengdu, born in 1993, July 12, hence 17 years old now. I am tall with slight baby fat but am humor, jovial and overall speaking, I am ...


继利比亚地区的问题之后,中东地区的叙利亚和伊朗又成为全球瞩目的焦点。这些问题的原因其实很简单,但是人们却从不会寻找正确的解决办法来应对这些问题。Following the Libya area after the problems in the Middle East, Syria and Iran became the focus of global attention. The reason of these ...


1. was build in 1926 2. How's the air inside? 或:How's the air in ...?3. The park is surrounded by water on all sides with fresh air and agreeable scene. It attracts thousands of tourists every year.4. There are 7 pavilions in it.5. There are lots of fishes in...


and a provincial bitter than don't.I now is to every morning at 7:00 at noon, and then after school, at 2 class, 6:10 and school, points, 7 points on night at 9:30 points to school, because I was born, sometimes at night artistic now runs after school at 7 o 'cl...


4.最后,我们找到了那本语文书 At last, we found the Chinese textbook.5.上海热烈欢迎来自世界各地的游客们Shanghai warmly welcomes tourists from all over the world.6.上周他们在北京玩得很开心They had a great time in Beijing last week.7.我弟弟希望得到更多有关音乐方面的知识My younger ...


7、无犯罪记录公证、 The notarization of Non-criminal record 8、未婚公证 unmarried notarization 9、护照、照片 Passport, photos 10工作许可申请表 The application form of work permissions 11英语培训证书 Certificate of English Course ...


我很喜欢你写的,我会尽全力翻译完 你相信我,我在国外念书不需要翻译器,不过语法方面请你看一下!^^ 看完了我也学到了很多。。。今天是公元2009年,一直都想写一个关于自己的故事,但却不知从何说起。也许是要说的太多太多。Today is 2009 A.D, I have always wanted to write a story ...


according to the 20 ( RMB ) / square metre supplementary design fee.Article sixth payment6.1 curtain wall design and construction drawing design of the Party A Party B received the work instructions after 7 days, Party A shall pay the design fee of 30% of the total, 45000 yua...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
