



also is the best preserved complete a royal palace YuYuan, known as the royal garden museum.其中的主要景区有万寿山,昆明湖,东宫门,乐寿堂等。One of the main scenic spots have longevity hill and kunming lake, eastern, such as (.望采纳 参考资料:百度等一系列 ...


like a rainbow to various buildings and green, blue cluster together. Ingenious design, in the history of garden art is a rare.汉语颐和园位于北京西北郊海淀区内,是我国现存规模最大,保存最完整的皇家园林,也是享誉世界的旅游胜地之一。颐和园整个园林以万寿山上高达41米的佛香阁为中心,根据...


The Summer Palace, the Chinese imperial garden of the Qing Dynasty, formerly known as the Qingyi Garden, is located in the western suburbs of Beijing, 15 kilometers from the urban area, covering an area of about 290 hectares, adjacent to Yuanmingyuan.颐和园,中国清朝时期皇家园林,前...




4. the Longevity Hill 万寿山 5. the Pavilion of the Buddhist Incense 佛香阁 6. the Wisdom Sea 智慧海 7. the Marble Boat 石舫 8. Jichang Garden 寄畅园 二 、天安门广场的英文介绍 Tian'anmen Square is one of the largest city squares in the world. It is situat...


The Summer Palace or Yiheyuan (Traditional Chinese: 颐和园; Simplified Chinese: 颐和园; pinyin: Yíhé Yuán; literally "Garden of Nurtured Harmony") is a palace in Beijing, China. The Summer Palace is mainly dominated by Longevity Hill (60 meters high) and the Kunming Lake. It ...


(颐和园在北京西北的海淀区。它是我国现存最完整,规模最大的皇家园林,是古代帝王的行宫和花园。 颐和园依山傍水,有万寿山和昆明湖,山光水色,交相辉映,入春后,鲜花盛开,绿树成荫,景色诱人。 在颐和园的昆明湖上有一座十七孔桥。湖畔有佛香阁、石舫。 佛香阁建在万寿山上,是全园的中心,登上佛香阁,不仅可以包览...

英译中 颐和园简介

Qing imperial Summer Palace was originally a palace and garden, formerly the Qing Yi Park is the Three Mountains Park in the last five built a garden, built in 1750, built in 1764, an area of 290 hectares, about three-quarters of the water. Summer Palace is in northwest ...


万寿山英文;Longevity Hill,词典:Longevity Hill 例句:Now, we come to the top of the Longevity Hill.现在我们到了万寿山的山顶。万寿山在北京市西北颐和园内。金名金山。元称瓮山。清乾隆十六年(1751)乾隆帝为母祝寿,于圆静寺旧址建大报恩延寿寺,改瓮山为万寿山。清《日下旧闻考》卷84引《...


颐和园是我国现存最完好、规模最宏大的古代园林。位于北京市海淀区境内,距天安门20余公里,占地290公顷。 颐和园包括万寿山、昆明湖两大部分,园内山水秀美,建筑宏伟。全园有各式建筑3000余间,园内布局可分为政治、生活、游览三个区域。政治活动区,以仁寿段为中心,是过去慈禧太后和光绪皇帝办理朝事、会见朝臣、使节的...
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