



1) Choose from one of the above themes. You may combine more than one theme if you prefer.1)从以上主题中选择一项,如果愿意你可以选择多个主题。2) Identify at least one creative art in which you are inte...

英语翻译,急求,不要机器翻译 ,好的加分



To avoid negative transfer of Chinese to improve their practical English communication skills of Chinese on the interference is a complex process. It is the starting point and frame of reference in foreign languag...


As the talk continued,I got more and more familiar with her. She gradually let off her shyness and started to tell me about her family. Her parents divorced while she was very young- Her mother started ...


Hacker is the topic computer crime. Hackers intrude into users'system through special ways. They steal and destory while misusing the user's information, which brings severe consequence to users and society. ...

英语翻译 一定 不要机器翻译的 满意我跟你加分 谢谢!!!

1 这就是青少年为什么要学会应对来自同辈压力的主要原因 2 当你不知道该怎么做的时候...3 学会处理同辈压力会让你变得自信和成熟 4 Think about why you are doing this 5 Practice the way of refuse,and find an ...


山是永远不会改变。喜欢的人,他们只是改变了外套,以适应天气。他们没有让外界的影响下改变什么改变颜色的衣服的谎言。他们都是相同的。我在我的生活的第三个赛季。雪是一点点聚集在我的高峰期。一些 塞奇布拉什走了一起...

...文字翻译成英语,优美点,拒绝机器……翻译的好追加分! (有点长,辛 ...

艺术是人类社会文明的瑰宝。在历史的长河里,艺术和科学仪器推动着人类社会文明的进步。不仅如此,艺术记录着人类的发展史,使历史的载体。Art is a treasure of human civilization. In the long stream of history, art ...

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not only make the customer feel relax, might be able to give customers more inspiration of creations .Keywords: Colorado transformation comfortable soft 不足之处请指教,忘了很多单复数的问题,你再好好检查 ...
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