cleartoovercast晴转多云 cloudy to overcast阴转多云 turning out cloudy转阴 fine/fair/sunny晴朗 mild温暖 cool凉爽 cloudy多云 overcast/dull/gloomy阴天 你看看这个吧,共同学习哦 中英文天气预报词汇对照表 Five day forecast 未来五天预报 monsoon zone 季风带 precipitation 降雨量 clear to overcast ...
好恶心,暴力的歌……应该是摇滚吧,全部手工翻译,累死我了 希望你喜欢
英:Parents are the god give each child's angel. Usually in a child's need help, we will open their wings to protect children of the invisible.日:あなたの両亲は、神がそれぞれに子供の天使だ。一般的には子供が最も助けなければならないとき、初めて彼らが见えない翼ひろ...
这个动作叫做XXX This movement is called XXX 每组5次动作,一共做6组 Each set has 5 movements,and there are 6 sets altogether.这个是不安全的动作。 This is an unsafe movement 慢点做。Do it slowly.稍微快一点。 Be faster.两组之间休息一分钟。 One minute for rest between two sets ...
BLOW ROOM LINE – SPECIFTIONS OF BLOW ROOM MACHINES飞纱区域线—飞纱间清单 Using 100% cotton or blending with man – made fibers, 用100%的棉纱或人工纤维混合纱 Stable length 22-40 mm稳定长度22-40 mm The line consist of :-流水线包括:1- Automatic bale opener 自动包装捆开启机 ...
Shape dough into 1-inch (2½ cm) balls and roll each ball in the sugar/cinnamon Topping. 把生面团揉成1英尺(2.5厘米)的球状,把每个面团在糖或肉桂里滚一下 Place balls 2 inches (5 cm) apart on an ungreased cookie sheet baking pan. 把面球放在不涂油的饼干纸(烘烤用...
他今年十五岁,一直以来我对于能够这么容易地把他养大这件事心存感激。但是最近他不再听我的话了(ceased to= 停止)。他曾是个那么甜美的男孩,但是上了高中后却变得目无尊长。这态度上的变化很惹人注目,甚至连他的老师们都注意到了。那天我加他放学后直接回家,但是他却叛逆地在外头呆到了十点...
1.生活就他妈是坨屎 我就是那根搅屎棒 life is like a shit ,and i am the stick to stir it up 2.笑 直到腹痛 哭 一直哭到笑 laugh, till you feel bellyache; cry, till you laugh 3.别跟我谈爱情 多伤钱啊 do not talk about love with me .it wastes money 4.年轻的生命不...
厄……于是我又见翻译器……1.Among all the changes resulting from the massive entry of women into the work force, the transformation that has ocurred in the women themselves is not the least important.在众多因大量女性加入到劳动大军所产生的改变中,女性们自身的变化不容忽视。2.One ...
条条大路通罗马。All roads lead to Rome.滚石不生苔。A rolling stone gathers no moss.小洞不补,大洞吃苦。A stitch in time saves nine.智者寡言。A wise man holds his tongue.吠犬不咬人。Barking dogs do not bite.迟做总比不做好。Better late than never.物以类聚,人以群分。Birds...