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moderate gale 7级风 whole gale 10级风 typhoon 台风 drought 干旱 Today's Graphic 今日气象图 oceanic climate 海洋性气候 Centigrade 摄氏 cloudy to overcast 阴转多云 mild 温暖 overcast/dull/gloomy 阴天 frosty 霜冻 damp 潮湿 shower 阵雨 storm 暴风雨 light snow 小雪 monsoon rain 季风雨 b...
A Promise Three tortoises prepared their lunch and went to the riverside for a picnic. Just as they arrived at the riverside, the weather changed suddenly. A heavy rain was imminent. Therefore they held an emergent meeting to discuss their countermeasure. They immediately decided to ...
麻烦谁可以翻译一下这段话,谢谢,高分悬赏。按照段落来,不要堆在一段。 50 相信很多人都看过《等待戈多》,今天准备借着自己的理解,对这部作品做一些赏析。《等待戈多》,是爱尔兰剧作家SamuelBeckett的两幕悲喜剧,1952年用法文发表,1953年首演。是戏剧史上... 相信很多人都看过《等待戈多》,今天准备借着...
当他在绘画方面越来越有成就的时候,疾病也悄悄来临,从41岁起,雷诺阿经常生病。在他生命的最后15年中,他受关节炎病痛的折磨,几乎离不开轮椅。他得把画笔捆扎在变硬了的手上才能画画。When he became more and more successful in painting,the disease came quietly,Renoir often fell sick since ...
尽力翻译,不会的用中文留给你。In China, the Northern Royal Building is breathtaking views and silk-stocking, but the southern traditional houses are smart ,simply but exquisite. As to provide the South civil dishes restaurant, Its interior design at the same home to southerners and ...
这纯属雇佣廉价劳动力。。 可我就来一把吧 文章很简单,应该是中考题目吧 翻译如下 第一篇:如果你饿了,你会做什么呢?你可能会饱餐一顿你最爱的食物,吃后就饱了。就像你的胃一样,你的大脑思维也可能会饿的。但它不会告诉你的,因为你总是让它忙着思考你的梦中情人,最爱的明星和许多荒谬...
5我最棒 6兵娃娃,志气大,爸爸妈妈最骄傲;不怕苦,不怕累,报效祖国立功劳。下面有请大二班的兵娃娃们给我们带来的精彩舞蹈《兵娃娃》7尽管,我们只是一棵幼苗,但我们骄傲地生活在父母的怀抱。尽管我们只是一颗小星星,但我们幸福地闪亮在老师的身边。我们同样有白天的梦想,下面请欣赏英文朗诵《...