


英语句子,高分求翻译。 汉译英,不要机器

There is still a lot of concern about the employment situion in China. I am quite pessimistic about the outlook of employment situation in China.2. 过多的劳动力和过少的岗位决定了这样的情况 The large supply of work force and small supply of available positions lead to the situati...


队魂---Team spirit 顽强 毅力 忍耐 坚定---brawniness perseverance endurance stability 我们的行为准则是 our principle is 自信自强 ---Self - confidence and self - reliance 无私无谓 ---Selflessness and immateriality 敢想敢为 ---Dare to thinking and acting 尽善尽美 ---Expectation of...


picher ,俄克拉荷马州-他们可以通过为悼念在葬礼。他们列队沿主要阻力在前面的空咖啡馆和商店和生锈的采矿设备围起来用铁丝网。通过当时,一些从这个蓝色的人群让记者的双手和foreheads针对Windows的商店。企业的死亡,所以在很多年前,它很难记得什么,他们sold.two研究员与graybeards的立场,附近的一个电...


介绍我们的国家给从外国90 年代的组合营销, 在他们之中有一些缺点, 改善的地方对分析在中国企业中简单地使用在不协调性和这种这个理论和中国市场的理论的这文本需要。结合行销的通信理论并且中国市场环境的矛盾起初, 中国市场经济是社会主义市场经济, 有它的个性, 因此不能 完全适应中国市场, 表现在四个...




2.4.1传递信息 2.4.1 Transmission of Information 文化互文形成新的关于中国过去、现在和未来发展的多领域信息:The cultural intertextuality forms the following new multi-field information on China's past, present and future development:1)日常生活方面的信息(华氏度和摄氏度的互文反应中国所...


My fellow teachers,i'm from XX (1) School XX (2) professional XX (3), graduated from in 2007, and today, thank you teacher gave me a chance to interview.各位老师好,我是来自XX(1)学校XX(2)专业的XX(3),本科毕业于07年,今天非常感谢各位老师给我这样一个面试的机会 ...


received a good education, grew up in the period of dreams, conceit, environment. But when they came out of the campus, in order to "stir ourselves," the world the heroic spirit shoulder the important task of promoting American culture mature, but the pain of social ignorance, ...


Corporate Profile Liaocheng in Shandong ambitious cable plant in Liaocheng Jiaming Industrial Park, west and the Beijing-Kowloon Railway Han Ji rail interchange, South Rinzai Museum Highway, location, convenient transportation, and beautiful environment.The enterprise is one of the cable ...
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