



Thank you for shopping with us.Regretfully, the model you ordered was sold out. Because of the coming Chinese new year, many of the stores have already shut down their business. We hope you can wait for one week after which is the end of the fastival, and stores will be ...


unique personality and characteristics , its no longer who is living in rural farmers in traditional,it more broader and more targeted.But this building is completely different from the ordinary rural resident in the concept of building.花了好些时间帮你翻译,基本能满足要求,希望采纳。


我也是个球迷,也很喜欢充满激情的阿根廷和那个传奇小子萨维奥拉,可我很气愤,有的人很懒,自己不想翻译,拿机器翻译的充事!也不看看都翻译的啥啊!这不是误人子弟吗!!!我花了两三个小时给你翻译了,虽然比不上专业的,起码比有软件翻译的好,格式语法都还正确。Dear Saviola,I am very gald ...


汉译英 1.到明年这个时候,你们将学完英语课程。You'll have finished learning English courses by this time of next year.2.他当医生已10年了。He has been a doctor for 10 years.3.这是我今天喝的第一杯咖啡。This is the first cup of coffee I have drunk today.4.到上月底,她已经...


2. Values of different."People's words form shall be language depends on remains values, social practices, lifestyle, the behavior way, the national psychology and personality etc restricted and influenced" (4). The value orientation of the difference between Chinese and western. ...


you primarily responsible for work?8. Who should participate in your course? (Who are your target customers?)9. What are our co-operation ways? How costs are like?10. what questions are other customers frequently ask.还行,没怎么用高级词汇,按简单得来的,希望对你有所帮助~~...

不用机器帮忙用英语口语翻译以下这段话: 有灵魂,有本事,有血性,有品 ...

with soul,qualification,enthusiasm and moral.qualification 英[ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] 美[ˌkwɑ:lɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]n. 资格,授权; 条件,限制; 合格证书;[例句]No international ship agency can provide service...


非常感谢你邀请我暑假时到你家住一个星期。你真是太好了。我一直很喜欢在你乡村的家里呆着,因为那里很安静。我们在上海的房子在虹桥机场附近。飞机经常就从我们头顶上飞过,所以有时候很吵。附近还有一家工厂,也制造好多噪音。for a week in summer holidays 暑假里的一个星期 Planes often fly ...


1.Academic platform founder and organizer, plan the organization The platform group is responsible for operation of the platform and whole video in the whole journey, grasp 2000 fund operation of the whole year, now already **The platform is made for the high-quality brand academic ...

中译英 求翻~~~翻译机饶道~~~帮下哈!

this result sooner of later.许多老人昨天出席我们的音乐会(be present at our concert)Many aged people were present at our concert yesterday.他坐公交车上班只需要20分钟(it takes him only twenty minutes)It takes him only twenty minutes to work by bus.学好英语,从拒绝机器翻译开始。
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