1 我是根据学校的录取条件,课程安排和地理位置作出从而选择的.I made the choice on the basis of the conditions of the school, the curriculum setting-up and the school location.2.我认为金钱与知识是不能相提并论的,花费金钱去接受优质的教育,利用所学的知识去实现自己的人生理想才是最重...
the saucy youth who used to act on impluse with starry-eyed ideas has become a gold collar worker who exuded all air of competence and hardwork Despite
曾经有人说,倾听是一门艺术,更是一门学问。而当我对 “倾听” 有了更深入的了解之后,才发现,无论是在生活中还是在工作中,“倾听”的作用远不止于此。尤其在人与人之间的交流和沟通中,甚至是在管理沟通中,倾听的作用更是不容忽视的。Someone once said that attentive listening is an art ...
Hello everyone, my name is xxx, and I came from Xiamen in Fujian province. Like most people who were borned in the 90's, I am the only child in my family. But I grew up in a large family with my grandmother and my aunts. As the oldest granddaughter, I would help my...
16、工作再忙,安全不忘 16, working again favour, safety not forgotten 17、消防设施,定期维护 17 and fire control facilities, regular maintenance 18、集思广益话安全,全员参与促发展 18, brainstorming words safety, full participation, promoting development 19、以爱之名,以责之义,齐心...
1, Taylor Swift is outstanding, good, not just because she 180 height, and her clean voice.2, Taylor positive in taking part in charity, she had donations to Japan fukushima earthquake relief. She also had in May 21, 2011 in the United States to sell tickets for Tennessee ...
from various places, and to offer to customers of the new era, a comfortable, fully featured hotel for relaxation.Key words: Theme Hotel; Film Elements; Experience-Based; Landmark 注: 也有将“标志性”译为“Symbolic”,但Symbolic当抽象概念的标志解, 此处Landmark应该更准确些。
可以说classmate tong, 但是非常不地道,最好说名字)'s pronunciation, I gave up my old accent. Just gave it up, to learn to speak English properly.必须要有这样的勇气 葵花宝典第一句知道是什么吗? 要练此功,必先自宫只有这种破釜沉舟的态度才能够真正地使你自己理解地道的美式发音,否你...
无私无谓 ---Selflessness and immateriality 敢想敢为 ---Dare to thinking and acting 尽善尽美 ---Expectation of perfection 我们的精神是 ---Our spirit is 特别能吃苦 ---Be capable of suffering 特别能战斗 ---Be capable of fighting 特别能攻关 ---Be capable of tackling 特别能奉献...
高分求汉译英!!(要人工翻译的,不要用翻译工具翻译) 美国著名的“玛丽·凯化妆品公司”创始人玛丽·凯说:“一位优秀的管理人员应该多听少讲,也许这就是上天为何赐予我们两只耳朵、一张嘴巴的缘故吧。”倾听是通向心灵的道路,是人际沟... 美国著名的“玛丽·凯化妆品公司”创始人玛丽·凯说:“一位优秀的管理...