



3,The teacher asked us to talk about the vocabularies that are difficult to understand, underline them and look up these vocabularies in a dictionary.4,He said that there is no need to include details, such as the statistical data.5,I think that I will be using a report ...


他干活越来越少,但挣钱却越来越多,我不同意给他加薪。(这句话逻辑有问题,翻译不能直翻)Je ne suis pas d'accord d'augementer son salaire vu qu'il bosse de moins en moins 2.我希望你一到法国就给我来信。En espérant avoir tes nouvelles lors ton arrivée en France 3.他们之所以没...


3. 他把保持身体健康看成是目的而不是手段。He regards keeping health as a goal rather than means.4. 许多人,包括不同年龄的大学生,花很少的时间从事体育锻炼。Many people, including university students in different age, spent little time in doing exercise.5. 人们可以回收废纸制品以帮助...

英语 求翻译 5句话!高分!

If there are two airlines at the same time to accept you, which company will you choose?I will choose your company because your company more publicity, the company's future is very good You are learning during more than good friends?Ok I think I have affinity 以上为机械翻译 ...


Just when I was worried , a kid came up and told me the way to go to station .4.在一些重要方面,英国英语和美国英语很不相同(in some important ways).In some important ways , Britain English and American English is very difference .5.比起以前,现在越来越多的人意思到健康和快乐...


4.尽管多年没见面,他的笑容仍然常常浮现在我的脑海中。(come to mind)although we've not seen for many years,his smile still often comes to mind.5.请不要靠近那些动物,很危险。(keep..away..)please keep those animals away,that's dangerous.6.瞧!你要找的人来了。look!the ...

精懂英语的高手们来哦!!! 不要网上的翻译器翻译的! 我要准确的!如果写...

5.上初一时,我去韩国和妈妈开始了新的生活。我妈妈教我韩国语。I went to Korea ,and began a new life with my mother when I join the first year in junior high school.My mother taught me Korean.6.因为语言交流困难,所以我没有朋友。就这样度过了孤独的初中生活。I havn't friend ...


2。就在这期间,爱因斯坦开始了研究工作,他创立了有名的相对论 3。这是一个巨大的很高兴来到北京,能有这个机会感谢中国政府和中国人民的所有的仁慈和好客,他们给我看。4。他根本不能到达长城不是男子汉 5。我们可以测量水放在一个大锅里,但是我们不能来测试它的热量。我们还没有一种乐器 6。时间保持...




second-level and national computer second-level test 3. Can very good understanding by C++, JAVA, the C# language compilation procedure and makes the revision 4. Grasps SQL-server skilled, the database; 5. Before can complete, the backstage asp programming independently....
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