



The book 《The life and strange surprising adventures(鲁滨逊漂流记)》tells us a story that a men,Robinson, who met a terrible storm when he travelled on an ocean .the storm destoryed the ship and fortunately pushed Robinson onto the coastal beach of an uninhabited island.on the ...


Through the Looking Glass. Lewis Carroll. In the novel that follows Alice in Wonderland,young Alice seeks to return home while exploring a mad,enchanted land and dodging those who seek to do her harm.鲁滨逊漂流记英文简介 Robinson Crusoe is one of the world's most popular ...


《鲁滨逊漂流记》取材于苏格兰水手亚力山大·赛尔柯克(Alexander Selkirk)独自在荒岛生活五年的真实经历,是一部回忆录式的冒险小说。主人公鲁滨逊不安于闲适平淡,一心想到海上冒险,19岁时不顾家人反对,私自离家当了水手。遭遇暴风雨时,他曾想到放弃,但一旦适应,他便决心继续冒险。没多久,他们的船受到海盗袭击,鲁滨逊被...


《鲁滨逊漂流记》英文读后感:I most appreciate am not Lu Binxun industrious and brave, but is hethat astonishing psychology bearing capacity.It can be imagined, analone big live person alone has lived on the desert island for severalyears, nobody accompanies him, even most basic, ...


1. 作者: 丹尼尔·笛福 书名: 《鲁滨逊漂流记》梗概: 《鲁滨逊漂流记》是世界最著名的冒险小说之一。丹尼尔·笛福的经典故事基于一个荒岛上的海难幸存者,灵感来源于真实事件。真实版的鲁滨逊·克鲁索是一位名叫亚历山大·塞尔科克的苏格兰人,生于1676年。19岁时,塞尔科克在教堂里行为不检而被控告。...


British novelist Defoe's "of Robinson Crusoe describes was born in a businessman of the house of Robinson, unwilling to like that parents mediocre for life, a heart yearning for a full of adventure and challenge of overseas life, so resolutely abandon comfortable life, who left ...


ship was storm hit heavy, lubin sun went to a small island. He on the island and prosperous life, also saved a property and income.I know the story from a book in labor for human survival is of great significance.翻译:我读了笛福的《鲁滨逊漂流记》。我深深地被这本书所吸引,...


我贴一段,余下的你到那个网站上去看吧。http://www.3xy.com.cn/tushuguan/jingdianwenxue/yingwen/html5/1.htm I was born in the Year 1632, in the City of York, of a good Family, tho' not of that Country, my Father being a Foreigner of Bremen, who settled first at Hull...


读完《鲁滨逊漂流记》后, 我的感触颇深。这本书主要写了鲁滨逊很喜欢航海和冒险,由于风暴很大,船上的伙伴都失去了生命,只有鲁滨逊被漂流到一个荒芜人烟的孤岛上。他面对自己的境遇悲痛欲绝,后来鲁滨逊找到了一个有水源、可以防野兽的地方搭建了一个帐篷,在这个岛上他遇到了许多困难甚至疾病,可是他...


我在海上漂流了这么多天,实在够了,正好安安静静地休息几天,把过去的危险回味一下。When the creator rules mankind, it is a great good thing to limit human understanding and knowledge to a narrow scope.造物主在统治人类的时候,把人类的认识和知识局限于狭隘的范围,实在是无上的好事。
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