...有没有这个词组啊(为什么练习册会有),它starve to death什么区别
starve to death 英[stɑ:v tu: deθ] 美[stɑrv tu dɛθ]饿死 [例句]Men won 't come to this town anymore . We 'll starve to death!男人不会再来这个城镇我们会饿死!
答案:starving 固定词组:end up doing sth.因为up是介词 介词后要加 动词ing形式
hunger, starvation 和 famine 的用法有区别;1. hunger: " I am hungry." ( for a few hours) . 我饿了(几个小时)2. starve, starving, starvation: "I was starving for a few days" 我在挨饿了几天 3. famine: "Famine is about the general shortage of food, not about the ...
2.Theydependonthegoodwillofvisitorstopickuprubbish.他们相信游客会自觉捡起垃圾。3.I'llneverbedependentonanyoneagainI'dratherstarve.我再也不依赖任何人了,我宁愿饿死.4.Modernequipment,youshouldbedependentonthebrand!现代设备,您值得依赖的品牌!dependent与independent分别的用法和区别 用法和区别就是...