
...almost 1 out of every 3 people in the United States



然而,她那不屈不挠的奋斗精神,她那带有传奇色彩的一生,却永远载入了史册,正如著名作家马克·吐温所言:19世纪出现了两个了不起的人物,一个是拿破仑,一个就是海伦·凯勒。 海伦、凯勒生平: 1880年6月27出生在美国亚拉巴马州塔斯喀姆比亚。 1882年1月因患猩红热致盲致聋。 1887年3月安妮·沙利文成为凯勒的老师。




50. Of the newly hired professors in science and engineering in the United States, twenty percent come from foreign countries. 解析:定位到C段末句:In the United States, 20 percent of the newly hired professors in science and engineering are foreign-born, and in China many newly hired faculty ...

英文高手快来啊 帮忙翻译几篇文章!! 初一的。是还没做完的阅读理解 不 ...



D.every should have a goal 答案:adcbc 大学英语四级考试仔细阅读练习题(2)The economy of the United states after 1952 was the econnomy of a well-fed,almost fully employed people. Despit occasional alarms, the country escaped any postwar depression and lived in a state of boom. A...


By 1967, there were almost 5000 Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants. And now, ___15___ you go in the United States, you will see one. If you like chicken, I’m sure, you’ll enjoy eating Kentucky Fried Chicken. 1. A. business B. shop C. life D. search . 2. A. found B. ...


介绍母亲节的英语作文1 As a thank his mother for Mothers Day holiday, first appeared in ancient Greece, time is the annual January 8, while in the United States, Canada and some other countries. it is every year the second Sunday in May, a number of other countries dates were the same...


Many people like traveling for their holiday. They go to 1 , seaside or forests. Some people like 2 , so they like to visit some old interesting places. In many countries, the travel agency can help you 3 your holiday. You can tell the travel agency what kind of 4 you like, how mu...

almost 和mostly 有何区别??

"almost"和"mostly"的区别:程度的差异:"almost"表示接近或差不多,强调接近某个状态或情况,但不完全符合。而"mostly"则表示大多数或主要地,强调在大多数情况下的情况或占据主导地位。例子1:He almost won the race, but came in second place.(他差点赢得比赛,但最终获得了第二名。)例子2:...


A few days before the festival, houses are cleaned and red couplets are put up on the doors of every household. They are said to frighten away the ghosts. On that day, people are dressed up. Firecrackers ring out in the air, which adds to the atmosphere of the festival. People after ...
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