47A:1.我们将通过TT用最常用的港币或者按照信用证上规定的货币付款,在付款时,我们将会从付出金额中扣除购汇佣金和电文费用.2.如果信用证超过一个月未被承兑/付款,我们将从收汇款项中扣除额外费用每月35美金或等值费用 3.此信用证项下的汇票必须由交单行背书.
This cash register must have come out of the ark.这台现金出纳机肯定是很老式的。This is a dangerous area, so don't carry too much cash on you.这个地区很危险,所以你身上不要带太多现金。I accept a check in lieu of cash.我接受支票代替现金。I have no ready cash on me, can ...
POS consumption in lieu of wages in lieu of payment, online payment, financial management services in an integrated product?? "Auspicious" debit card. Shenzhen Ping An Bank has also launched a pass high-speed, fast-Hong Kong Express, and other characteristics of service products. In...
However, a man like this was unable to detect a simple subterfuge contrived by his lieutenan, Lago. 但像他这样的人根本无法识破他的副官拉戈所设计的一个简单的诡计。Any such subterfuge would be immediately apparent in a viva voce examination, much to the embarrassment of the student ...
On Friday, January 20, 2006, FirstEnergy acknowledged a cover-up of serious safety violations by former workers at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, and accepted a plea bargain with the U.S. Department of Justice in lieu of possible federal criminal prosecution. The plea bargain relates ...
即Commission In Lieu of Exchange或In Lieu of Exchange Charge无兑换手续费。指的是外币转帐时银行间的收费。在92年几家国有银行曾联合发了个文《关于收取无兑换手续费的通知》,其中对“无兑换手续费”的定义是:根据世界各国银行业的通常概念和实务做法,国际结算中产生的外汇买卖差价是银行结算业务...
+COMMISSION IN LIEU OF EXCHANGE FOR ACCOUNT OF BENEFICIARY.+All banking charges except DC opening commission are for account of beneficiary 无兑换手续费、除开证外的费用都由受益人承担,这个也算是行业惯例了,可以接受的。再往下的那些好像属于个例,但是可以肯定的一点是,开证行的所有条款都...