
...nothing but to 、There is nothing to choose but to


...nothing but to 、There is nothing to choose but to

一、第一个是错误的,第二个是对的。have nothing but to do 中 but 是连词,应该连接两个同类词语,这里的不定代词 nothing 和不定式 to do 不属于同类项,因此不能并列,应该把它改为“have nothing to do but + 不带 to 的不定式 ”。二、“nothing + to do + but ”和“nothing + ...


1、choose from.从什么选择;可供选择;从中进行选择。2、choose to do.选择做。3、pick and choose.精挑细选;挑挑拣拣,挑三拣四,挑剔。4、there is little to choose between.什么的之间区别不大。5、there is nothing to choose between.之间区别不大。choose例句:1、When we choose a lar...

nothing but后跟什么?

后面是do ,do nothing but do sth。以下是英语语法的相关介绍:英语语法是针对英语语言进行研究后,系统地总结归纳出来的一系列语言规则。英语语法的精髓在于掌握语言的使用。名词一般分为专有名词(proper noun)和普通名词(common noun)。专有名词是个别的人、事物、地点、团体、机构等专有的名称,首...


choose用法:表示“选择”,可以带双宾语。v:挑选;选择;决定;愿意。短语搭配:choose from,从...选。择;可供选择;从中进行选择。choose to do,选择做...。pick and choose,精挑细选;挑挑拣拣, 挑三拣四, 挑剔。there is little to choose between,?之间区别不大。there is nothing to...



choose the right sentence翻译

choose to do,选择做...pick and choose,精挑细选;挑挑拣拣,挑三拣四,挑剔。there is little to choose between,…之间区别不大。there is nothing to choose between,…之间区别不大。2、right。释义:权利,右,正确的,右对齐,右边。短语搭配:right now,现在,立刻,马上。right away...


4、Miracle, is not on the way to easy to bloom.Perhaps, in all, there is no behind trying to choose, there will be not seen, not design the unknown。奇迹,是不会在容易的道路上绽放的。也许,在所有不被看好,无人尝试的选择背后,会有不曾见到的可能,不曾设计的未知。 5、Life is a circle,...


Learning to add, proud to be reduced, the opportunity to travel, in addition to lazy to. 57、谈一次恋爱,少一个朋友。 Talk about a love, a friend. 58、有没有人和我一样,对着电脑没事做,却又不想关掉它? There is no one like me, in front of the computer to do nothing, but do not...


choose的短语 pick and choose 精挑细选;挑挑拣拣, 挑三拣四, 挑剔 there is little to choose between …之间区别不大 there is nothing to choose between …之间区别不大 cannot choose but do something 别无选择只得做 choose to 决定;选择 choose from 从...选择;可供选择;从中进行选择 ...


1.The enemy can do nothing but surrender.敌人除了投降之外,别无出路。2.The enemy had nothing to choose but to surrender.敌人除了投降之外,别无选择。都正确。五、下面这些句型哪些正确?请写出例句并分析句子成分。1.There is + nothing + to do + but + do 正确 2.There is + no ...
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