
2pills per day 翻译


2pills per day 翻译


药品上写着JUST 2 PER DAY 是什么意思

JUST 2 PER DAY的意思是:每天两(粒、颗、次、剂)药,即给药次数为2次。给药次数(Time AdministerDrug)系指每日服用药物的次数,给药次数的多少主要由两方面因素决定:1、药物生物半衰期的时间长短;2、药物在体内消除的快慢。在人体内消除快的药物,给药次数可略微增加;在人体内消除慢的药物,...


1. 减肥不要命 2. 我正在服用一种叫"溶脂"的减肥药, 这种药很受年轻女子欢迎. 这是一个非限定性定语从句, which are quite poprlar among young women here.作定语修饰前面的pills. 而且定语从句中使用的是被动语态


翻译?我翻译了个不太全面的,但起码杀差不多了,跟着“|”符号的,就是这种物品有很多种贴图或名字,例如Crisps1和Crisps2是两种不同的贴图。记得要加前缀,比如薯片(Crisps)刷物品时要加Base,变成Base.Crisps,有三种前缀,像能种出来的食物,要加farming前缀。MortarPestle 研体WildGarlic 野生大蒜...

汉译英:1 最受欢迎的老师之一. 2 在沙滩上玩。3参加龙舟比赛 4看上去...

2、在沙滩上玩 play on the beach 3、参加龙舟比赛 take part in the dragon-boat race 4、看上去越来越新 looks more and more new 5、很多作业要做 have lots of homework to do 6、随后而来 following come after together with later on 7、吵闹的交谈 make noise talk with /to 8...


2. overtake v. 1. (of sth. unpleasant) reach suddenly 突然降临于,意外侵袭 The family was overtaken by tragedy several years ago, and they still haven't recovered. 几年前,这家人突然遭遇不幸,现在还没恢复过来。She was overtaken by sorrow when her husband died. 丈夫去世时,她悲痛欲绝。2. ...


2,近视【short-sightedness】3,良药苦口利于病【Bitter pills may have wholesome effects.】4,武力【force】5,重新审理【a new trail】6,驳回【reject】7,钢琴协奏曲【Piano Concerto】8,他逝世的噩耗使她简直没法工作下去了。【The shocking news of his death rendered her completely unable ...


There's pills for rent 2 make u clean 就算倒卖药的也是干净的 Marvin Gaye, there's no brother, brother Marvin Gaye,没有兄弟,兄弟 Woody Guthrie's land can't feed Mother Woody Guthrie的国家不能养育母亲 CHORUS Mothers weep, children sleep 母亲落掉泪,总算孩子睡觉了 So much ...

药品说明书 翻译

1.Instructions:1.Take the pills on an empty stomach half an hour before meals and remember to drink a cup of warm boiling water before taking pills.2.Three times a day in the first month in the morning,evening and before go to bed for 20ml each time.According to the ...
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