



原文JUNGLE SHORTS 1 It was Friday afternoon.Class 3 had put on their coats and were waiting in a line to go home.lenny was at the back because the zip on his anorak(防水衣)had stuck(卡住).He was so busy with the zip that he nearly missed what Mr Cox the teacher ...


The fifth largest city in the US passed a significant soda tax proposal that will levy(征税) 1.5 cents per liquid ounce on distributors(经销商).美国第五大城市费城通过了一项重要的“苏打水征税”提案,该提案决定对经销商征收每液体盎司1.5美分的税。Philadelphia's new measure was ...


事实上,学好英文有三大要件: (一) 培养正确的「语法习惯」。 (二) 训练用英语思考的能力。 (三) 进行实际的会话练习。 根据语言自然学习法则,学英语首先会听、会说、再去读,而后才会去写,听不懂英语的学生是不可能读好英语或写好英语的,也就是说要先学习「听、讲」->「语」然后在学「文」,也就是研究...


One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime(一角硬币) left. He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house.一天,一个靠挨家挨户送货半工半读的男孩穷得只剩下一枚一角...


One cold night the King called Nasreddin to him and said, “If you're able to spend this night in the courtyard with only your shirt on, I will give you one hundred gold coins!”一个寒冷的夜晚,国王把阿凡提叫来,对他说:“今天晚上,你要是能只穿一件汗衫就在院子里待一晚上...


I'll be a tree, if you are its flower,Or a flower, if you are the dew(露珠) —I'll be the dew, if you are the sunbeam,Only to be united with you.我愿是一棵树,假如你是树上的花,我愿是一朵花,假如你是花上露珠,我愿是滴露珠,假如你是阳光一束,一切只为能与你一...


这是一个关于登山家的故事。他加入了一支登山队去爬山。为了最先到达目的地、体验第一名的荣耀,在其他队员还在睡梦中时,他就独自出发了。The mountain was high and the night was pitch-dark(漆黑的); obviously, mountaineering at night was a foolish decision. But by the virtue of(借助于...


Bending: 挠曲 witness test订货人在场的试验 Welding: 焊接 Threading: 车缧纹 Leveling:校平 color identification 彩色识别 Alignment:对准,定位调整 check against 检查, 核对 Fixing:固定 Console:控制台 cubicle室,箱 audit 审计 material certificate.材料合格证 vertical panel竖直面板 power ...


首先要知道单词的用法,然后自己创建一个句子。这叫关联记忆法。比如:English(英语)i am crazy about English,but my English is awful.因为想到自己的爱好,并且很糟糕,就联想到是英语了。 并且自己创建的句子相对来说不需要记。当任何单词都有自己创建的句子。。说单词记不住那是不可能的。。


An old man walked slowly into a restaurant with his cane(手杖). His old jacket and shoes made him look unusual that day.一位老人拄着拐杖慢慢走进一家餐馆。他的旧夹克和旧鞋子使他在那天显得与众不同。A young waitress named Mary watched him move towards a table by the window.一...
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