78 days
人间兵器(Paragraf 78, Punkt)……俄罗斯版《生化危机》 === 我是传奇(I Am Legend)……僵尸病毒蔓延美国,威尔·史密斯成为纽约唯一幸存者 === 厄夜三十(30 Days of Night)……阿拉斯加小镇迎来卅天极夜,吸血僵尸开席血腥饕餮盛宴 === 活死人归来1、2、3、4、5(Return Of The Living Dead)……经典的“...
求越坂康史的days系列 《48天》《78天》《68天》《39天》 要中字的 求越坂康史的days系列《48天》《78天》《68天》《39天》要中字的货真价实红包感谢... 求越坂康史的days系列 《48天》《78天》《68天》《39天》 要中字的货真价实红包感谢 展开 我来答 分享 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 3个回答...
01.HELLO http://www.namipan.com/d/01.Hello.mp3/51cc78f16f3425935a0bddd2ea1434cb0227fd0320acb500 02.The other side http://www.namipan.com/d/02.THE%2bOTHER%2bSIDE.mp3/f9a5e073172fcade3353b0e8f558c8208f92c21ad1cd8c00 [5th Single][HYDE] HORIZON[2003.11.6] 01.HORIZON http://www.n...
1月-3月 1. 神圣十月 2. 京四郎和永远的天空 3. 恋爱天使~安琪莉可~第二季 4. 拯救德尔托拉 5. 向日葵 6. 悲惨世界·少女珂赛特 7. SHUFFLE!MEMORIES 8. 学美向前冲 9. Master of Epic The Animation Age 10. ProjectBLUE 地球SOS 11. 交响情人梦 12. 暖阳涂鸦 13. 除魔维纳斯 14...
《小学1-6年级期末试卷题和学霸笔记》百度网盘资源免费下载 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/15aHp9Bl4CAWG8tFjyxIa2Q 提取码:w4yc 小学1-6年级期末试卷题和学霸笔记|知识点归纳|试卷|语文试卷|英语试卷|数学试卷|苏教版 数学 试卷|北师大小学数学测试题|6下数学|6上数学|5下数学|5上数学|4...
一、单项选择。(20分)1. --- Where's my book, please? --- ___, I don' t know. A. Sorry B. Thanks C. No D. Excuse me2. --- Your pictures are very nice. --- ___.A. You are right B. Thank you C. You are OK D. That's OK3. --- Where is my soccer ball? ---...
A few days ago, he left his house for the first time in five years. He went outside on his bed to meet his neighbors. “The sky is beautiful and blue and I really want to enjoy the sun,” said Manuel. He once weighed 1,235 pounds. He now weighs about 840 pounds. He says he...
75 【经典】-Gymnopedie No.1-日本电影经常引用的背景音乐 -- 曲作者-Satie 76 一半的爱(钢琴独奏版) -- 纯.音乐 77 走在思念的街道 piano -- 纯.音乐 78 暮色中的爱 -- 钢琴曲 79 童话消失了的 年轮 钢琴曲 -- 513 80 幸福的样子 -- 纯.音乐 81 流水般清澈的感动 钢琴曲 -- 82 强烈推荐 雨...
41.Everyone agreed to his suggestion which we should hold a meeting to talk about the problem. 42.It was an exciting moment for those football fans this year, that for the first time in years their team won the world cup. 43.The old farmer had his left arm harmed when he had his...