
A boy found an eagle's egg and he put it in the n



And one for the little boy最后的一袋给小小少爷Who lives down the lane.他一直生活在路边。Sing a song of sixpence唱一只六便士的歌Sing a song of sixpence,唱一只六便士的歌吧,A pocket full of rye;装满袋的黑麦,Four and twenty blackbirds,24只黑鸫,Baked in a pie.在烤好的派中。When the pie...


The man went to the door of the little boy’s room and opened the door.“Are you asleep, son?” He asked.“No daddy, I’m awake,” replied the boy.“I’ve been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier,” said the man, “It’s been a long day and I took ...


做晚饭cook dinner 看书read a book 接电话answer the phone 听音乐listen to music 打扫房间clean the room 写信write a letter 写电子邮件write an e-mail喝水drink water 照相take pictures 观察昆虫watch insects 集邮collect stamps 见面meet 欢迎welcome 谢谢thank 爱love 工作work 喝drink 尝taste 闻smell 喂养...


(drank) water喝水 take pictures照相 watch insects观察昆虫 pick up leaves采摘树叶 do an experiment做实验 catch butterflies捉蝴蝶 count insects数昆虫 collect insects收集昆虫 collect leaves收集树叶 write a report写报告 play chess下棋 have a picnic举行野餐 get to到达 ride(rode) a bike骑自行车 play ...


(drank) water喝水 take pictures照相 watch insects观察昆虫 pick up leaves采摘树叶 do an experiment做实验 catch butterflies捉蝴蝶 count insects数昆虫 collect insects收集昆虫 collect leaves收集树叶 write a report写报告 play chess下棋 have a picnic举行野餐 get to到达 ride(rode) a bike骑自行车 play ...

英语中 something anything nothing none的用法,尤其是nothing 和 none...

(1) 没有什么;没有一件(东西);没有一点 Nothing means not a single thing, or not a single part of something. I've done nothing much since coffee time... 咖啡时间过后,我什么都没干。 Mr Pearson said he knew nothing of his wife's daytime habits... 皮尔逊先生说,他对妻子白天的生活习惯...



请帮忙翻译一下 谢谢

Zeus sent the god Prometheus was chained to heavy chains in the Caucasus mountains, cliffs, let him withstand the torture of the hot sun rainstorm. Is Zeus also think not Jiehen, also sent a an eagle ferocious, every day pecking liver of Prometheus. However, whenever the eagle ...

Alfred Lord Tennyson的英文简介有吗?

I am very illiterate in literature, but know what I like when I read it. So I found this forum hoping I could get some help. I was reading "A Certain Crossroad" by Emilie Loring, and found the following quote... And sometimes the sky was like unto a great turquoise for ...


只是现在很少有人知道炽天使的原始真面目而已(现在宗教图画和雕塑中的炽天使已经全是人形了),所以用“Chinese Seraphim”来解释“Loong”是最合理可行的。参考资料:<a href="http://www.loong.cn" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">http://www.loong.cn</a> ...
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