The English abbreviation for April 1st is "Apr. 1st," "April 1," or simply "April 1st." Additionally, this day is celebrated as April Fool's Day, which can be rendered in English as "April Fool's Day," "April Fools' Day," or "All Fools' Day." In English, the stand...
Mar.8是妇女节:Women's Day mar.12是植树节:arbor day Apr.1是愚人节:1. April Fools' Day 2. all fools' day 3. april fool's day
四月一日的英文是:April first,April 1,April 1st,April the first。四月一日也是愚人节,愚人节的英文是什么:April Fool's Day 或 April Fools' Day 或 all fools' day。英语表示日期,其顺序为“月+日+年”,日和年之间需用逗号隔开。如:August 2nd, 2003(2003年8月2日)。也...
四月 Apr. April,五月 May. May,六月 Jun. June 七月 Jul. July,八月 Aug. August,九月 Sept. September 十月 Oct. October,十一月 Nov. November,十二月 Dec. December 四月一日同时也是愚人节。愚人节也称万愚节、幽默节,愚人节。节期...
就说April the first或April the twentyth就可以了,不用加“day”的但要加“the”,因为后面是序数词。但如果是数字的话,就写April 1st或April 20th。就行啦!!
1一12月份英文缩写分别是:Jan. 一月;Feb. 二月;Mar. 三月;Apr. 四月;May 五月;Jun. 六月;Jul. 七月;Aug. 八月;Sep. 九月;Oct. 十月;Nov. 十一月;Dec. 十二月。在英语中“月份”的单词使用频率是非常高的,所以我们需要熟练的掌握并且运用,接下来我会详细地给小伙伴们进行总结介绍...