



例如在下面这两个句子里,The message arrives in your brain,in a fraction of a second. 信息瞬间便可传递到大脑,They were not the only ones,to have brains and ambition.他们并非仅有的有头脑、有抱负的人,在这两个句子中,brain指的大脑、头脑,brain还有一个短语,brain death,指的是...


You need brains to become a university professor. 当大学教授要有才智。He is one of the leading brains in the country. 他是国家的知识分子精英。Brain is the master control center of the body. 脑是身体的主要控制中心。用作及物动词 (vt.)I'll brain you if you don't keep quiet....


可以指“硬件”的是head(头部,外面的壳,可数),brain(脑子,里面的大肠状东西,可数,比如:a brain,一个脑子),可以指“软件”的是mind(想法,不可数),brain(智力、头脑,不可数,但常用复数形式,如:I think she has more brains than any of us.我认为她比我们都聪明。) brain表示“大脑...


brain的形容词Brainy。一、brain的意思 brain用作名词时意思是:脑;智力;智慧;头脑;(Brain)人名:布莱恩;brain用作动词时意思是:用…敲打某人的脑袋。二、brain短语搭配 1、brain development;大脑开发;2、pick sb's brains;请教;3、brain drain;人才外流,人才流失;4、brain disorder;大脑...


〔例证〕If you had any brains, you'd know what to do next.如果你有点脑子,你就会知道接下来要做什么。二、词义广泛性不一样 1、mind 英 [maɪnd] 美 [maɪnd]1)n. 理智,精神;意见;智力;记忆力 2)v. 介意;专心于;照料 2、heart 英 [hɑːt] 美 [h...


3,The drug may cause permanent brain damage.翻译;这种药可能会引起永久性的脑部伤害。4,His brain seems to be functioning normally.翻译;他的大脑看起来功能正常。5,His brain was clouded by vapours and dreams.翻译;他的脑子里充满空想和梦幻。6,He is one of the leading brains in ...

英语翻译 A.plenty of brain B.brain C.plenty of brains D.much...

名词 n.1.脑,脑袋[C]2.智力,头脑[U][P1]I suppose she has more brains than any of us.我认为她比我们都聪明.That man has a fine brain.那人脑筋好.3.【口】聪明人,智者[C]4.智囊[P1]She was the brains of the organization.她是这个组织的智囊.固选C,表示Diana有很多知识.即聪明...


You don’t have to rack your brains to get the answer to that simple question.后面俩个to中,第一个是和get构成动词不定式,作目的状语;第二个to是介词,和后面的名词短语,构成后置定语,修饰answer。一,分析句子:You主语 don’t助动词,构成否定句 have to rack 谓语 your形容词性物主...

Boris has brains.In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has...

B 试题分析:考察形容词用法。形容词的比较级和否定词连用表示最高级的含义。has brains有头脑;有智慧.anyone in the class与Boris相比较,要用比较级.当比较级后有名词时,要加冠词.the higher IQ(两人中)比较高的智商,不能作为答案.句意:Boris很有头脑。我怀疑在班级里是否有谁比他的更高的智商...


“So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in journalism,” Newman wrote,“that I am tempted to define 'journalism' as 'a term of contempt applied by writers who are not read to writers who are'.”词汇:1.so...that (如此...,以...
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