
Excel VBA中Find和Findnext的用法分别是什么?


遍历工作表查找字符串并替换 VBA EXCEL

Range("A1").Select Selection.Copy Cells.Find(What:="*照明*", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _False, MatchByte:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate Cells.FindNext(After:=ActiveCell).Activate ...

VBA 用find函数如何精确查找带有空格的数值,如数值:ab12精确find数值...

Sub fdSpace() Dim UR As Range, Rng As Range, sA As String Set UR = Worksheets(1).UsedRange Set Rng = UR.Find(" ", , xlValues, xlPart) sA = Rng.Address Do Set Rng = UR.FindNext(Rng) Debug.Print Rng.Address Loop Until Rng.Address = sA En...

Excel 怎么用Vba检查一个字符串中是否包含特定的字母


Excel VBA 用find找到sheet2表中所有与sheet1.range("A1")相同值?

Set Rng = Sheet2.Range("a:a").Find(Sheet1.Range("a1"))If Not (Rng Is Nothing) Then RngAddress = Rng.Address Do Rng.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, 16).Copy Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp)(2, 1)Set Rng = Sheet2.Range("a:a").FindNext(Rng)Loop Until RngAddress...

Excel VBA Find函数总在Findnext过后变成nothing, 查不到第二个目标...

如果找到了,则对该单元格做条件判断,做完条件判断也需要再查找下一个,跟你的这个条件是没有关系的。。所以应该是:Do If criterior_Check(currentRow, c1.Row, conType) Then xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Set c1 = .FindNext(c1)Else Set c1 = .FindNext(c1)End If Loop While Not ...

EXCEL VBA问题请教高手!

For i = 1 To 3 With Worksheets(i).UsedRange Set c = .Find(s, LookIn:=xlValues)If Not c Is Nothing Then iAdd = c.Address Do ListBox1.AddItem For j = 0 To 6 ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListCount - 1, j) = c(1, j + 1)Next Set c = .FindNext(c)If c Is ...

Excel vba 要是用find函数查找内容,找不到怎么办?

解决办法如下:1、首先,打开Excel,创建一个数据表格,接下来以下图为例进行演示,如下图所示,然后进入下一步。2、其次,需要调出日期中的月份和数字。将光标移动到单元格“ B2”,然后在菜单栏中单击“公式”,选择文本-find,如下图所示,然后进入下一步。3、接着,在弹出窗口中,输入内容,如下...

vba 怎么实现在excel中搜索窗体textbox中的内容

ClearSet Rng = Sheets(1).Columns(2).Find(TextBox1.Text, lookat:=xlWhole)If Not Rng Is Nothing ThenListBox1.AddItem (Rng)For j = Rng.Row + 1 To Sheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(3).RowIf Sheets(1).Cells(j, 2) = Rng ThenListBox1.AddItem (Rng)End IfNext jEnd...

请教高手关于Excel VBA 的问题,

Set rFind = .FindNext(rFind)Loop While Not rFind Is Nothing And rFind.Address <> firstAddress Else MsgBox "无此查询数据!", vbExclamation, "查询"Exit Sub End If End With Return End Sub 本程序采用穷举法,把符合条件的都能找出来列在第2个表中。当然,更高级的查询可以采用窗口来做...

Excel VBA查询

Set c = .FindNext(c)Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> p End If End With MsgBox "查找数据在以下单元格中:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _& q, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "查找结果"Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub 6.现在回到EXCEL表格...
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