Grew up
grew up的中文解释是”的过去式成长成熟”,其次还有”的过去式成长成熟”的意思,读音为[ɡru: ʌp],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到59个与grew up相关的用法和句子。1. ♪ Oh, he grew up running wild ♪翻译: Oh, he grew up running wild 。2...
"Grow up" 是一个不及物动词短语,通常跟随宾语或状语。"Grown up" 作为形容词短语,修饰名词。"Grown-up" 可以作为名词或形容词使用。例句:"He grew up in a small town."(他在一个小镇长大。)"The children have grown up so fast."(孩子们长得太快了。)"I prefer reading grown-up ...
1、The boys grew up.孩子们长大了。2、A warm friendship grew up between the two men.两人之间逐渐产生了友情。grow up的词典解释 1、长大成人;成熟 When someone grows up, they gradually change from being a child into being an adult.e.g. She grew up in Tokyo.她在东京长大。2、别...
grow up KK:[]DJ:[]1.成长 The boys grew up.孩子们长大了。2.逐渐形成 A warm friendship grew up between the two men.两人之间逐渐产生了友情。以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供
“Grow up”是一个常用的英语短语,意思是“成长”、“长大”。它可以用于描述人的成长过程,也可以用于描述事物的发展过程。拓展:1.描述人的成长过程 “Grow up”可以用于描述人的成长过程,表示从小孩到成年人的转变。例如:I grew up in a small town in the countryside.(我在一个乡村小镇长大...
up surrounded by reminders of their terrible past.他们慢慢地被可怕的过去所困扰.3.出现 A new town has grown up in this industrial district.在这个工业区里出现了一个新的城镇.An intimate friendship grew up between them.他们之间渐渐产生了亲密的友 .{这样也许更能让你了解这个词!} ...
be grown-up作为一个成年人。A Guide for Grown-ups给成年人的指引。grown-up的近义词 adult 读音:英[ˈædʌlt],美[əˈdʌlt]。释义:n.成年人;成年动物。adj.成年的;理智的;适合成年人的;成熟的。例句:He spent his adult life in Canada.他在...
grow up 1.成长 eg:What do you want to be when you grow up?等你长大以后,你想要做什么工作呢?2.逐渐形成 eg:A warm friendship grew up between the two men.两人之间逐渐产生了友情。相关短语 grow.up 长大 grow-up 成长 to grow_up 长大 ...
grow和grow up的区别如下。grow可以作及物动词或不及物动词,也可以作联系动词,表示成长、种植或变得怎么样的意思,如:一、及物动词用法。I always grow a few red onions.Lettuce was grown by the Ancient Romans.I started growing my hair.二、不及物动词用法。We stop growing at maturity.T...
1、grow up grow up 后面不能加宾语,而且只用于表示「孩子长大成人」例:When I grow up, I want to be a doctor. 长大后,我想当医生。(注意,grow up后面没有宾语)2、grow grow 后面可加宾语,也可不加,而且适用的范围很广,表示「植物、胡须、头发、人口、城市等的增长」The plant grew...