



短语搭配:whooping crane美洲鹤 Sarus Crane赤颈鹤 Crane County克伦县 Mobile crane流动式起重机 第三人称单数:cranes。复数:cranes。现在分词:craning。过去式:craned。双语例句:1、The load was lifted by means of a crane.重物是用起重机吊起来的。2、The cargo was hoisted aboard by crane....


Then, the bomb would be hoisted into the aircraft weapon bay. At No. 1 Bomb Loading Pit the atomic bomb was loaded aboard an American B-29 dubbed Enola Gay on the afternoon of August 5, 1945, to be dropped on Hiroshima the next day. At nearby No. 2 Bomb Loading Pit a second ...


旗用英语说:flag。flag:n.旗;旗帜;信号旗;菖蒲;vt.标示;vi.疲乏,变弱,热情衰减。相关词:flag test标记检验;flag bit特征位;flag pole旗杆;activation flag[计]活动标志;flag operation标志操作;mail flag邮件旗。句子 1、Hawke first hoisted his flag at Spithead.2、The captain ...


满园的苹果、梨,在微风的吹拂下,散出缕缕果香,沁人肺腑。我精心收集了关于苹果的英语小诗,供大家欣赏学习!关于苹果的英语小诗篇1 After Apple-Picking 摘苹果后 Robert Frost 罗伯特·福罗斯特 My long two-pointed ladder's sticking through a tree 长梯穿过树顶,竖起两个尖端 Toward heaven ...

急求巴沙洛缪罗伯茨的英文资料 急记急

A few weeks later the Royal Marlesa had to be abandoned because of worm damage. The Royal Rover headed for the Isle of Princes, now Príncipe. Davis hoisted the flags of a British man-of-war, and was allowed to enter the harbour. After a few days Davis invited the governor...




2.2.2 the net to be hoisted in a rope, the two ends of the rope in high-15.25 cm column of vertical network, network, in the outer edge of the outer edge of the left sideline distance of 15.25 centimeters.2.2.3 the top of the net from the competition table 15.25...


水立方的介绍:National Swimming Center--Exquisite and Exciting "Water Cube"A semi-transparent "cube", with "bubbles" spread out all over its surface, is a shape very similar to the structure of "H2O", the outlook for the National Swimming Center at the 2008 Olympic Games. After ...

send up 什么意思

一、send up 的意思是 :发射 二、up 的音标:英 [ʌp]、美 [əp]三、up 释义:adv.向上;靠近;由弱到强;进入预想运转状态;进入快乐状态;公开展示地;逆风地;逆水地;在场上击球 two of the men hoisted her up.两个男人把她抬了起来。prep.往…上端 she climbed up a ...


例如有这样一句话:When hoisted up in the sky, the microscopic particles act as...选择项则为A. Lifted B.Grouped C.returned D.pointed, 四个选项代入后,发现只有A选项能和后面的介词UP连接通顺,所以答案就是A选项,表示升起的意思。托福阅读题型有很多,但是词汇题是亦难亦简单的题目,如果...
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