
I was



2. 飞机是运输食物的最快捷方式。当通过其他途径给人和动物运送食物难以实现时,飞机的作用就表现得尤其明显。3. 他站起来,穿过房间,迅速而猛烈地将门大打开来。4. 谈判者希望至少能在原则上达成协议,至于具体的细节可以在之后商讨和确定。5.在做笔记时,必须严格遵守规则,所有不必要的细节应该要忽略...


Violin gradually made me feel scared with the days passing by. 直到5岁那一年,因为父母的工作也日益繁忙,终于结束了我这两年如噩梦般的小提琴学习。At last , when i was 5 years old, i stopped learning violin after the two year's nightmare.也许是因为成熟了的关系,这么多年过去之后,...

i wish i was high on potenuse 什么意思,,说有笑点 求大神指点。_百度...

i wish i was high on potenus这句话的意思是:我希望我对“potenus”很在行。这是一个黑人学生读音的口误,把“hypotenuse”这个单词读成了“high on potenus”三个音节的词语,而其实英文中是没有“potenus”这个单词的。


Every one has his dream. Some want to be teachers,others want to be scientists. My dream is to become a doctor. My friends asked me why. I told them my story. When I was a small boy I was very weak. Once I was terribly iii. I had a high fever. My parents sent m...

when I was an elementary student aging ten,为什么aging改为aged?_百...

4. 这里从句的主语是我,句意又不是“我让……变老”,那肯定是“……让我变老”,所以这里是被动态,但前面已经有was an elementary student 作谓语,所以这里用非谓语中的过去分词表示被动。5.我想起seat这个单词的用法跟这题的age很类似。seat 作动词时是“使……就坐”所以讲某个人坐下来都要...


1、I am a quiet girl, I am 15 years old, not tall not short, with long hair, nose wearing a pair of glasses, I was good at art, my dream is to get a related Art University.我是一个安静的女孩,我15岁,不高不矮,留着长发,鼻子戴着一副眼镜,我擅长艺术,我的梦想是考...


二、一般过去时的结构:(可分4类不同的结构)1.Be动词的一般过去时 (1)在没有实义动词的句子中使用be动词, am is 的过去式为was; are的过去式为were (2)肯定句式:主语 + be(was , were) + 其它.I was very shy two years ago.(3)否定句式:主语 + be(was , were) + not...


1.There was a bird on the tree. is的过去式为was 2.I went to school by bus. go的过去式为went 3.He did his homework. do的过去式为did 4.I was very busy today. am的过去式为is 5.I cleaned my room and listened to music. and的前后两个动词的时态要一致,所...


Oh, I will die, I will die, I don’t want to die. Little Red Cap、Grandma、Hunter: ha! We are safe now! Ⅵ 适合五年级的简单点的英语小故事 英文英文英文英文幽默故事幽默故事幽默故事幽默故事::: There was a guy who went into a shop to buy a parrot. There werethree parrots in th...


Last weekend I was busy .on saturday morning ,I was at the library,I read an interesting book,in the afternoon I was at the museum with Tom,we saw many old things.on Sunday morning ,I visited my grandfather,we shared lunch together,in the afternoon ,I played soccer with my...
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