


英语原著阅读:达芬奇密码(40) 短语积累

'My God,' Collet exclaimed, eyeing the screen, 'Langdon is moving to the window ledge!'9. Replied 回答道,回复到 'Mitterrand was a bold man,' Langdon replied.10. Grunted 咕哝道 Fache grunted, 'A scar on the face of Paris.'11. Offered 主动提供更多的信息 'Perhaps Jacques ...


翻译:一、英文:How do you relate requirements and quality versus testing in a data warehouse environment.//bow~二、中文:您如何将需求和质量与数据仓库环境中的测试联系起来。//鞠躬~重点词汇:How: 怎样 ; 如何多少,多么,多大。do you :你愿意吗。relate :联系;使有联系;把…联系起来;...


9. I got stuck! 我被困住了。 可以使用 Get stuck 的情况很多, 例如开车出门遇到大塞车, 你就可以说 “I got stuck in the traffic.” 或是双脚陷在烂泥中, 你也可以说 “I got stuck in the mud.” 或直接说 “I got stuck.” 10. Got you! 骗到你了吧! 比如说你说了一个笑话别人却信以为...

第二部分 回答问题(共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)阅读下面短文,根据第9...

9. On July22, 1933.10. In Scotland.11. To see Nessie.12. A kind of large animals lives in the lake. 略


Rain can delay time we arrived, but can prevent us from moving forward。 9、当一个人一心一意做好事情的时候,他最终是必然会成功的。When a person is undivided attention when doing things, he is bound to succeed。 10、装饰对于德行也同样是格格不入的,因为德行是灵魂的力量和生气。Decoration for ...


尼尔森“YTD”,“MAT”,“YTD TY”,是时间周期指标,TY是指今年的情况,MAT是指滚动年度总计。1、YTD (Year to day) 指年初至当前日期对应自然月的情况。2、MAT (Moving annual total) 指滚动年度总计。3、TY(this year)指今年。


9.Moving shot 运动镜头:包括跟拍,摇移,追随等等,反正镜头是运动的,至于具体怎么动,还不是现在考虑的问题。 10.Two shot 双人镜头:BILL和SALLY在边喝可乐边交谈,这种镜头的相机不要随意移动,防止“越轴”。把BILL和SALLY两人连起来有一条轴线,相机只能在轴线一侧运动,如果越过这条轴线,在画面上BILL和SALLY的...


While the car wasmoving away, Roy stopped his bus and t 8 the police. The thieves’ car was badlydamaged(损坏)and e 9 to recognize(辨认). Shortly afterwards, the police stopped thecar and both men were c 10 Passage10Now,let’s begin our sports report. Here’s a really good game,...


sept 九月 sept[英][sept][美][sept]n.氏族,家族;例句:1.Since the sept 11, 2001, attacks, the fbi has been criticized for not having enough employees fluent in foreign languages and for not moving fast enough to upgrade its computer system.2001年的“9?11”恐怖袭击事件发生后,...


3.依法中高效 Legal yet efficient / efficiency in legality 4.高效 (highly) efficient / (high) efficiency 5.严谨中温情 Prudent yet tender / Tenderness in prudency 6.温情 tender / tenderness 7.感动是追求 Heart-touching is the pursuit 8.追求 pursuit 9.用不变的标准竭...
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