
No prob



耆那龙(Jainosaurus) 马扎尔龙(Magyarosaurus) 柏利连尼龙(Pellegrinisaurus) 沉重龙(Epachthosaurus) 阿根廷龙(Argentinosaurus) 细长龙(Lirainosaurus) 南极龙(Antarctosaurus) 博妮塔龙(Bonitasaura) 拉布拉达龙(Laplatasaurus) 纳摩盖吐龙(Nemegtosaurus) 非凡龙(Quaesitosaurus) 掠食龙(Rapetosa...


Q:what will hte woman problaly do? 7 woman:umm...are you going to try some of this chocolate pudding?it's incredible. man:well, to be honest with you,i've never been a big fan of chocolate. Q:what does the man imply? 8 woman: why don't we go catch the new Italian film at...


2、当三脚架和iPhone组合使用时,我推荐使用即使在岩石或冰上也能让iPhone 6保持稳固的正规三脚架来拍摄风景照。 我使用带曼富图804RC2三脚架头的曼富图190XPROB 三脚架,但是肯定还有其它选择。3、你还将需要将iPhone附着在三脚架上,一个简单方法便是使用曼富图Klyp+ iPhone 摄影产品系列中的iPhone保护...


列维京屡屡出其不意地向读者抛出这类统计学难题(别老prob..diffi..),训练他们养成这样一种态度:任何人的话都不照单全收。这是一种行之有效的教学技巧。Some statistics turn out to be plain wrong, but more commonly they mislead. Yet this is hard to spot: numbers appear objective and ...


结节头龙(Nodocephalosaurus) 多智龙(Tarchia) 美甲龙(Saichania) 包头龙(Euoplocephalus) 绘龙(Pinacosaurus) 克氏龙(Crichtonsaurus) 短脚龙(Brachypodosaurus) 糙牙龙(Trachodon) 图兰角龙(Turanoceratops) 纤角龙(Leptoceratops) 倾角龙(Prenoceratops) 亚洲角龙(Asiaceratops) 小角龙(Microceratops) 雅角龙(...


结节头龙(Nodocephalosaurus) 钉背龙(Polacanthus) 多智龙(Tarchia) 美甲龙(Saichania) 包头龙(Euoplocephalus) 绘龙(Pinacosaurus) 克氏龙(Crichtonsaurus) 角龙类恐龙 糙牙龙(Trachodon) 图兰角龙(Turanoceratops) 纤角龙(Leptoceratops) 倾角龙(Prenoceratops) 亚洲角龙(Asiaceratops) 小角龙(Microceratops...

no prob.为thanks的回答吗

可以啊 口语话的时候可以用 意思是 没啥


M:Sounds like just what I need.[13]My mainprob em is that my study folder is full of notes and wor sheets,and is badly disorganized.Idon't know w lere tO start.W: OK, well,the main thing is to have everything i the right place. Whatever you're reviewing, it's i ...

Jessie'S Girl 歌词

I wanna tell her that I love her but the point is prob'ly moot 'Cause she's watchin' him with those eyes And she's lovin' him with that body, I just know it And he's holdin' her in his arms, late late at night Y'know I wish that I had Jessie's girl I wish ...


棘齿龙Echinodon 准噶尔翼龙Dsungaripterus 普罗巴克特龙Probactrosaurus 乌埃哈龙Wuerhosaurus 厚针龙Pachyrhachis 鹦鹉嘴龙Psittacosaurus 阿克罗肯龙Acrocanthosaurus 塞塞罗龙Thescelosaurus 泰南吐龙Tenontosaurus 板果龙Platecarpus 无齿翼龙Pteranodon 厚甲龙Struthiosaurus 原角龙Protoceratops 阿利奥拉龙[...
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