
School uniforms should be banned~ i need some reasons!


School uniforms should be banned~ i need some reasons!

1. young people always want to be unique but wearing school unifrom doesn't allow them to do much about dressing up.2. School uniform can tell others which school you go to straight away, which is not private.3. Well, school unform is designed for general people and some r...


Should students be required to wear school uniforms?(学生是否应该被要求穿校服?)Should smoking be banned in public places?(是否应该禁止在公共场所吸烟?)Should the government provide free healthcare for all citizens?(政府是否应该为所有公民提供免费医疗保健?)Should animal testing be al...

Are school uniforms good or bad idea? 2. Should the death penalty...

some tips for Q1:-school uniform is an old tradition, it stands for the school, its culture and history, and respect - the word uniform symblizes homogenerous character, or uniformity.- the student is a special group, not as mature as adults, proper guidance and rules would ...
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