
She had scarcely news when she fainted. 句子有问题



例:计算机刚一启动,就发现有病毒。Hardly had the computer started working when viruses were found.As soon as she heard the news, she fainted.3译成并列分句 例:I was going home when I met Mary.我正要回家,就在这个时候,我碰到了玛丽。4转译为其他状语从句 英语状语从句有时它们的深...


如:She almost miss me before he saw me.她看到我之前差点错过我.Almost no one(=Hardly anyone) saw her.几乎没有人看到她.They are nearly at the end of their journey.他们快结束旅行了 almost 可用于 any 以及 no,none,nobody,nothing,never 等否定词之前,但 nearly 一般不这样用.如:...


1、The tiger is a representative of the cat family.老虎是猫科动物的典型。2、The hunter hurled his spear at the tiger.猎人用力把他的长矛向虎投去。
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