



sn: snowman snow snore snake snail sneakers sneakers snacksl: slow slap sleep slide slope sledsw: switch swallow swan swim sweet swing sweater sweatsp: spider spaceship spinach spoon spellst: stockings store star stamp ...

急求有关happiness and sadness的英语文章

Snore and you sleep alone. Anthony Burgess Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. Victor Borge Learn to laugh at your troubles and you'll never run out of things to laugh at. Lyn Karol Nothing ...

Will The Real Slim Shady Please Shut Up

making us snore,像打鼻酣一样烦人 whining in the microphone!(baby crying)还在麦克风里吹嘘(儿童哭泣声)Its the return of the-Oh wait!这是……的归来-哦,等一下 No wait...不,等一下 You're a fool!你...


鼾声 いびき Snore 普通 特殊 40 100 15 选择 RSFLE自我暗示 じこあんじ Psych Up 普通 其它 --- --- 10 选择 RSFLE撒泥浆 どろかけ Mud-slap 地面 特殊 20 100 10 选择 RSFLE 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是...


pl的两种发音 - : 前两个一样、都发[ pl ] apple [英][ˈæpl]是一样的、、 [美][ˈæpəl]不一样 单词中有pL的 发音pL有哪些? - : Please Plate Play pl的发音都一样吗?


打鼾 いびき Snore 40 100% 15 选择 白金 打落 はたきおとす Knock Off 20 100% 20 选择 白金 戏法 トリック Trick - 100% 10 选择 白金 思念头槌 しねんのずつき Zen Headbutt 80 90% 15 选择 白金 冷冻拳...

fall asleep是什么意思

to fall asleep last night.昨晚他过了好一会儿才入睡。13、He soon fell asleep and began to snore.他很快睡着并开始打起鼾来。14、Because I am tired,I fall asleep quickly.因为我很疲劳,因此很快就睡着了。


husband的基本意思是“丈夫”,指结婚后相对于妻子而言的男人,与husband相对应的名词是wife,妻子的意思。例句:Mary accused her husband of snore too loudly.玛丽指责她丈夫打呼噜太响。husband近义词 spouse,英 [spa&#...


1. attitude, latitude, altitude, gratitude 2. contribute, attribute, distribute;3. describe, prescribe, subscribe,substitute 4. difference, indifference 5. simultaneous, spontaneous 6. senior, junior, superior, ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
