





Corticosteroid-sparing agents 皮质类固醇药物 Corticosteroid-sparing agents 皮质类固醇药物


免税:duty-free或者tax-free 抵税:tax deductible或者tax credit 退税:drawback或者refund of duty 相关例句:1、个人免税额的多少取决于年龄和婚姻状况。The personal allowance depends on your age and marital status.2、船上有录像厅、一个酒吧间和一家小型免税商店。On the ship there are video...

economic 与 economical 词霸上的解释都有“节约的”的意思,他们有什么...

economic 经济的; 节省的,在节约方面强调有效利用,实用 economic strike 经济性罢工(为提高工资, 缩短工作时间, 改良工作环境而罢工)an economic use of home heating oil.家用燃油的有效使用 economic application of electricity 电的实际应用 economical adj.节约的, 经济的 更侧重节省,节约 be ...

2020-04-06 Better days will return 美好日子会回来的 #耕48_百度知 ...

I also want to thank those of you who are staying at home, thereby helping to protect the vulnerable and sparing many families the pain already felt by those who have lost loved ones. Together we are tackling this disease, and I want to reassure you that if we remain united ...


The passage mainly tells us the importance of protecting traditional Chinese culture, which is challenged or facing extinction because of the developing society and changing lifestyle. Besides, China is nationwide sparing no efforts to do it.The protection of national and folk culture is ...

跪求!! tax credit 的意思!!

tax credit:税收抵免;课税津贴;贷方税额 英英释义:n. a direct reduction in tax liability (not dependent on the taxpayer's tax bracket)专业释义:一、经济学:税收抵免、税收优惠、税额减免 二、法学:税收抵免、税收债权、税收优惠、税收信用 三、管理学:税收抵免 例句:The president ...


If you have any question, please contact me via this email. Thanks for sparing time to read my letter. I am looking forward to your reply. Thanks.至此,套磁信全文完毕。学会和老师套磁技巧虽然也是必备的一个技能,但是全然不如你的信的内容来的重要,如果你的套磁信能牢牢把教授的心...


另外貌似楼主是直接从中文翻译到英文的,所以很多地方看起来不是很周正,不像是地道的英文。在百忙之中抽空最好用spare time from your busy schedule,不要用waste,参加你的答谢宴是占用他们的时间,不是浪费他们的时间啊。。。第一句只要First of all, I want to thank you all for sparing time...


several offices were unoccupied, sparing many lives. The aircraft struck on the edge between two sections—one of which had just finished being upgraded.Contractors involved in the Pentagon Renovation Program were also charged with the task of rebuilding the damaged section of the Pentagon...
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