
Suzanne Vega的《Caramel》 歌词


Suzanne Vega的《Caramel》 歌词

歌曲名:Caramel 歌手:Suzanne Vega 专辑:Retrospective: The Best Of Suzanne Vega Suzanne Vega - Caramel It won't do to dream of caramel,to think of cinnamon and long for you.to stir a deep desire,to fan a hidden fire that can never burn true.I know your name,I know your sk...

我记着歌词是I know you name ,I know the skin ,I know the way bis...

Suzanne Vega - Caramel http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/t0Mf2GSJ7u0/ 歌词:It won't do to dream of caramel,to think of cinnamon and long for you.It won't do to stir a deep desire,to fan a hidden fire that can never burn true.I know your name,I know your skin,I...

Chiara Civello的《Caramel》 歌词

歌曲名:Caramel 歌手:Chiara Civello 专辑:Last Quarter Moon Suzanne Vega - Caramel It won't do to dream of caramel,to think of cinnamon and long for you.to stir a deep desire,to fan a hidden fire that can never burn true.I know your name,I know your skin,I know the way ...


It won't do to dream of caramel,to think of cinnamon and long for you.英文的上面 中文的下面 Caramel焦糖(冬季烟花翻译及解释)It won't do to dream of caramel,to think of cinnamon and long for you.就像梦见一块焦糖,想到一块肉桂 我如此地渴望着你,却没有用 It won't do to...

Doc Gyneco的《Caramel》 歌词

歌手:Doc Gyneco 专辑:Menu Best Of Suzanne Vega - Caramel It won't do to dream of caramel,to think of cinnamon and long for you.to stir a deep desire,to fan a hidden fire that can never burn true.I know your name,I know your skin,I know the way these things begin;But...

翻译suzanne vega的歌词

Yes I think you've seen me before 是的 我觉得你以前见过我 If you hear something late at night 如果你晚上听见一些哭喊 Some kind of trouble. some kind of fight 一些打斗 一些麻烦 Just don't ask me what it was 不要问我那是什么 Just don't ask me what it was 不要问我那是...


都说是小野丽莎翻唱Suzanne Vega的Caramel,但是歌词跟原版有出入。我也找好久了,但是在网上没有小野丽莎版的。歌词大概如下: I Know your name I know your skin I know the way these things begin I know your name I know your skin I know the way these things begin I know your name...

QQ空间 装扮动画【下雪了】的配乐是什么歌。

是Suzanne Vega的caramel 但这个动画里的是小野丽莎唱的,在网上好难找到啊 动画里的歌词是这几句 I know your name,I know your skin,I know the way these things begin;

金三顺 插曲

餐厅里是suzanne vega的caramel,你说的可能是在路上这首,是he was too good to me,原唱 Nina Simone 1961 专辑:At The Village Gate Lorenz Hart, Richard Rodgers He was too good to me how can I get along now So close he stood to me Everything is all messed up and wrong now ...


如果你是想听纯音乐,那我介绍几个《歌德堡变奏曲》《汉娜之眼》,马克西姆的钢琴曲都还不错 如果是另类的:《上层精灵挽歌》《亡灵序曲》都可以 古典温情的,你可以去听听《海上钢琴师》如果是流行的:《思念是一种病》……
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