Furthermore, if the objects can be seen obviously, personal articles should also be omitted. However, it never happens in English. From this point, it is not only allowable but also necessary when we translate personal articles which are objects in sentences into Chinese. In my point of view...
6、 MNC refers to an commercial organization which owns, controls and manages asset in more other one country.7、Countries in the world are grouped into four categaries by the World Bank:high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries.8、The main stimulas for intreprises to ...
As languages is the carrier of the human culture. This difference must reflect in the language of different nations. So in the following, we ...。”If translate this into English“I just made some dishes casually and they are not very tasty. Perhaps the foreigner will think why you ...
Sentences and structures Find out all the sentences with “ v.+ing” forms,and try to remember them. Translate the following sentences,and tell what part of speeches the red parts are used as. 1.它也指用自然肥料而不是化肥种植的庄稼。 It also refers to crops growing with natural rather ...
5。在世界的任何地方你都找不到你大熊猫这样的稀有动物。6。幸运的是飞机安全地出现了/到达了。7。大多数的植物都喜欢水和阳光。8。 半导体芯片形状小重量轻。9。进化论理论解释了动物睡眠的不同。10。 因图书馆需要重新装潢将被关闭。Should the University Campus Be Open toTourists?Recently we ...
No, Wang Hai, that\'s not the way to learn English properly\'No, Han Meimei, it\'s not good to do pair practice like that-You\'re doing it the wrong way.十二.指命 (Issuing a command)By yourself. This is practice for the exam.Books closed.Back into groups, each person can say...
1-5DBACb 6-10ADDAB 2. I will take this english exam even it takes me several weeks or months.3. Mary leaves her hunband because she can't bear his cruel and merciless。4. He spent the whole afternoon on the fraction problem.5. I liked run errands for my mother when...
I AM NOT USED TO SPEAK LIKE FOREIGNERS,WHEN I SAY"MY DEAR BABY"THESE THREE WORDS I CAN FEEL MY FACE BECOME RED.The Chinese language takes word as unit, when English takes single phrase as unit, so translate that, can translate"these six words" of the original text into "...
these required you to be cautious in the expression, take the example followed "*** experienced sadness, passed by the obstacle of bitterness, finnally hit the target to...". Beginners usually translate it with the phrase "walk through" without consideration over the English idea of...
8, the lead underwriter in the United Kingdom (lead underwriter). usually stock issue arranged for investment banks to help matters. 但在实施过程中,牵头包销者会充分重视分包销商(sub-unerwriters)以及机构投资者的作用。But in the process of its implementation, lead underwriters will pay full ...