
You can guess.是什么意思?



双语对照 猜[cāi]动 guess; suspect; conjecture; speculate 双语例句汉英大词典中中释义 全部 guess suspect conjecture speculate 1 我猜他和这件事有点牵连。I suspect that he is more or less involved in the affair.《汉英大词典》2 我想你能猜出接下来发生了什么。I expect you can guess ...


4.PHRASE\x09大家都拿不准的事 If you say that something is anyone's guess or anybody's guess,you mean that no-one can be certain about what is really true.Just when this will happen is anyone's guess...\x09 谁也说不准这事什么时候会发生.It's anybody's guess what ...


你好!Can you guess? She's friendly and she speaks English well 你能猜到吗?她很友好,英语讲得很好。


英语是Slowly you guess

Guess what? 是什么意思

wɒt] 美 [ɡes wɑːt]2、释义:你猜怎么着。3、语法:guess的基本意思是从不肯定的、不充足的或模糊的含义中“猜”,可表示“猜”的动作“猜测”,也可表示“猜”的结果“猜出”“猜中”。4、例句:I expect you can guess what follows 我想你能猜出接下来发生了什么。

can you guess what 是什么意思?

can you guess what 首先这是一个一般疑问句。翻译的意思是:你能猜测出来什么?这句话的肯定回答一般用Yes, i can 否定回答:No,i can't


Who am I? Can you guess? 猜猜看我是谁?Yes. Are you Michael? 好的。你是迈克尔?No, I'm not. I have a small nose but he has a big one. 不,我不是。我的鼻子比较小,他是大鼻子。Do you have big eyes? 你是大眼睛吗?I do. 对。Oh, I know. You are Kangkang. 我...

can you guess


peαse guess怎么翻译中文?

pease - 百度翻译 常见释义 豌豆 英[piːz]美[piz]例句 I kiss'd you oft and gave you white pease;我常亲吻你,喂你豌豆吃;guess 常见释义 猜测 英[ɡes]美[ɡes]v.想; 猜测; 猜到; 估计; 猜对; 猜中; 以为;n.猜测; 猜想;例句 You can only guess at what mental...


短语 Guess Who 男生女生黑白配 ; 猜猜是谁 ; 谁敢来晚餐 ; 猜猜我是谁 Guess Show 我猜我猜我猜猜猜 ; 李圣杰 I guess 我猜 ; 我猜测我预料 ; 我想 ; 我猜我猜我猜猜猜 词语辨析 presume, suppose, guess, postulate, assume 这组词都有“假设,猜想,推测”的意思,其区别是:presume...
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